Monday, September 30, 2019
The Twilight Saga 2: New Moon Chapter 9 THIRD WHEEL
TIME BEGAN TO TRIP ALONG MUCH MORE QUICKLY than before. School, work, and Jacobthough not necessarily in that ordercreated a neat and effortless pattern to follow. And Charlie got his wish: I wasn't miserable anymore. Of course, I couldn't fool myself completely. When I stopped to take stock of my life, which I tried not to do too often, I couldn't ignore the implications of my behavior. I was like a lost moonmy planet destroyed in some cataclysmic, disaster-movie scenario of desolationthat continued, nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behind, ignoring the laws of gravity. I was getting better with my bike, which meant fewer bandages to worry Charlie. But it also meant that the voice in my head began to fade, until I heard it no more. Quietly, I panicked. I threw myself into the search for the meadow with slightly frenzied intensity. I racked my brain for other adrenaline-producing activities. I didn't keep track of the days :hat passedthere was no reason, as I tried to live as much in the present as possible, no past fading, no future impending. So I was surprised by the date when Jacob brought it up on one of our homework days. He was waiting when I pulled up in front of his house. â€Å"Happy Valentine's Day,†Jacob said, smiling, but ducking his head as he greeted me. He held out a small, pink box, balancing it on his palm. Conversation hearts. â€Å"Well, I feel like a schmuck,†I mumbled. â€Å"Is today Valentine's Day?†Jacob shook his head with mock sadness. â€Å"You can be so out of it sometimes. Yes, it is the fourteenth day of February. So are you going to be my Valentine? Since you didn't get me a fifty-cent box of candy, it's the least you can do.†I started to feel uncomfortable. The words were teasing, but only on the surface. â€Å"What exactly does that entail?†I hedged. â€Å"The usualslave for life, that kind of thing.†â€Å"Oh, well, if that's all†I took the candy. But I was trying to think of some way to make the boundaries clear. Again. They seemed to get blurred a lot with Jacob. â€Å"So, what are we doing tomorrow? Hiking, or the ER?†â€Å"Hiking,†I decided. â€Å"You're not the only one who can be obsessive. I'm starting to think I imagined that place†I frowned into space. â€Å"We'll find it,†he assured me. â€Å"Bikes Friday?†he offered. I saw a chance and took it without taking time to think it through. â€Å"I'm going to a movie Friday. I've been promising my cafeteria crowd that I would go out forever.†Mike would be pleased. But Jacob's face fell. I caught the expression in his dark eyes before he dropped them to look at the ground. â€Å"You'll come too, right?†I added quickly. â€Å"Or will it be too much of a drag with a bunch of boring seniors?†So much for my chance to put some distance between us. I couldn't stand hurting Jacob; we seemed to be connected in an odd way, and his pain set off little stabs of my own. Also, the idea of having his company for the ordealI had promised Mike, but really didn't feel any enthusiasm at the thought of following throughwas just too tempting. â€Å"You'd like me to come, with your friends there?†â€Å"Yes,†I admitted honestly, knowing as I continued that I was probably shooting myself in the foot with my words. â€Å"I'll have a lot more fun if you're there. Bring Quil, and we'll make it a party.†â€Å"Quil's gonna freak. Senior girls.†He chortled and rolled his eyes. I didn't mention Embry, and neither did he. I laughed, too. â€Å"I'll try to get hin a good selection.†I broached the subject with Mike in English. â€Å"Hey, Mike,†I said when class was over. â€Å"Are you free Friday night?†He looked up, his blue eyes instantly hopeful. â€Å"Yeah, I am. You want to go out?†I worded my reply carefully. â€Å"I was thinking about getting a group†I emphasized the word†together to go see Crosshairs.†I'd done my homework this timeeven reading the movie spoilers to be sure I wouldn't be caught off guard. This movie was supposed to be a bloodbath from start to finish. I wasn't so recovered that I could stand to sit through a romance. â€Å"Does that sound like fun?†â€Å"Sure,†he agreed, visibly less eager. â€Å"Cool.†After a second, he perked back up to near his former excitement level. â€Å"How about we get Angela and Ben? Or Eric and Katie?†He was determined to make this some kind of double date, apparently. â€Å"How about both?†I suggested â€Å"And Jessica, too, of course. And Tyler and Conner, and maybe Lauren,†I tacked on grudgingly. I had promised Quil variety. â€Å"Okay,†Mike muttered, foiled. â€Å"And,†I continued, â€Å"I've got a couple of friends from La Push I'm inviting. So it sounds like we'll need your Suburban if everyone comes.†Mike's eyes narrowed in suspicion. â€Å"These are the friends you spend all your time studying with now?†â€Å"Yep, the very ones,†I answered cheerfully. â€Å"Though you could look at it as tutoringthey're only sophomores.†â€Å"Oh,†Mike said, surprised. After a second of thought, he smiled. In the end, though, the Suburban wasn't necessary. Jessica and Lauren claimed to be busy as soon as Mike let it slip that I was involved in the planning. Eric and Katie already had plansit was their three-week anniversary or something. Lauren got to Tyler and Conner before Mike could, so those two were also busy. Even Quil was outgrounded for fighting at school. In the end, only Angela and Ben, and, of course Jacob, were able to go. The diminished numbers didn't dampen Mike's anticipation, though. It was all he could talk about Friday. â€Å"Are you sure you don't want to see Tomorrow and Forever instead?†he asked at lunch, naming the current romantic comedy that was ruling the box office. â€Å"Rotten Tomatoes gave it a better review.†â€Å"I want to see Crosshairs†I insisted. â€Å"I'm in the mood for action. Bring on the blood and guts!†â€Å"Okay.†Mike turned away, but not before I saw his maybe-she's-crazy-after-all expression. When I got home from school, a very familiar car was parked in front of my house. Jacob was leaning against the hood, a huge grin lighting up his face. â€Å"No way!†I shouted as I jumped out of the truck. â€Å"You're done! I can't believe it! You finished the Rabbit!†He beamed. â€Å"Just last night. This is the maiden voyage.†â€Å"Incredible.†I held my hand up for a high five. He smacked his hand against mine, but left it there, twisting his fingers through mine. â€Å"So do I get to drive tonight?†â€Å"Definitely,†I said, and then I sighed. â€Å"What's wrong?†â€Å"I'm giving upI can't top this one. So you win. You're oldest.†He shrugged, unsurprised by my capitulation. â€Å"Of course I am.†Mike's Suburban chugged around the corner. I pulled my hand out of Jacob's, and he nude a face that I wasn't meant to see. â€Å"I remember this guy,†he said in a low voice as Mike parked across the street. â€Å"The one who thought you were his girlfriend. Is he still confused?†I raised one eyebrow. â€Å"Some people are hard to discourage.†â€Å"Then again,†Jacob said thoughtfully, â€Å"sometimes persistence pays off.†â€Å"Most of the time it's just annoying, though.†Mike got out of his car and crossed the road. â€Å"Hey, Bella,†he greeted me, and then his eyes turned wary as he looked up at Jacob. I glanced briefly at Jacob, too, trying to be objective. He really didn't look like a sophomore at all. He was just so bigMike's head barely cleared Jacob's shoulder; I didn't even want to think where I measured next to himand then his face was older-looking than it used to be, even a month ago. â€Å"Hey, Mike! Do you remember Jacob Black?†â€Å"Not really.†Mike held out his hand. â€Å"Old family friend,†Jacob introduced himself, shaking hands. They locked hands with more force than necessary. When their grip broke, Mike flexed his fingers. I heard the phone ringing from the kitchen. â€Å"I'd better get thatit might be Charlie,†I told them, and dashed inside. It was Ben. Angela was sick with the stomach flu, and he didn't feel like coming without her. He apologized for bailing on us. I walked slowly back to the waiting boys, shaking my head. I really hoped Angela would feel better soon, but I had to admit that I was selfishly upset by this development. Just the three of us, Mike and Jacob and me, together for the eveningthis had worked out brilliantly, I thought with grim sarcasm. It didn't seem like Jake and Mike had made any progress towards friendship in my absence. They were several yards apart, facing away from each other as they waited for me; Mike's expression was sullen, though Jacob's was cheerful as always. â€Å"Ang is sick,†I told them glumly. â€Å"She and Ben aren't coming.†â€Å"I guess the flu is making another round. Austin and Conner were out today, too. Maybe we should do this another time,†Mike suggested. Before I could agree, Jacob spoke. â€Å"I'm still up for it. But if you'd rather to stay behind, Mike†â€Å"No, I'm coming,†Mike interrupted. â€Å"I was just thinking of Angela and Ben. Let's go.†He started toward his Suburban. â€Å"Hey, do you mind if Jacob drives?†I asked. â€Å"I told him he couldhe just finished his car. He built it from scratch, all by himself,†I bragged, proud as a PTA mom with a student on the principal's list. â€Å"Fine,†Mike snapped. â€Å"All right, then,†Jacob said, as if that settled everything. He seemed more comfortable than anyone else. Mike climbed in the backseat of the Rabbit with a disgusted expression. Jacob was his normal sunny self, chattering away until I'd all but forgotten Mike sulking silently in the back. And then Mike changed his strategy. He leaned forward, resting his chin on the shoulder of my seat; his cheek almost touched mine. I shifted away, turning my back toward the window. â€Å"Doesn't the radio work in this thing?†Mike asked with a hint of petulance, interrupting Jacob mid-sentence. â€Å"Yes,†Jacob answered. â€Å"But Bella doesn't like music.†I stared at Jacob, surprised. I'd never told him that. â€Å"Bella?†Mike asked, annoyed. â€Å"He's right,†I mumbled, still looking at Jacob's serene profile. â€Å"How can you not like music?†Mike demanded. I shrugged. â€Å"I don't know. It just irritates me.†â€Å"Hmph.†Mike leaned away. When we got to the theater, Jacob handed me a ten-dollar bill. â€Å"What's this?†I objected. â€Å"I'm not old enough to get into this one,†he reminded me. I laughed out loud. â€Å"So much for relative ages. Is Billy going to kill me if I sneak you in?†â€Å"No. I told him you were planning to corrupt my youthful innocence.†I snickered, and Mike quickened his pace to keep up with us. I almost wished that Mike had decided to bow out. He was still sullennot much of an addition to the party. But I didn't want to end up on a date alone with Jacob, either. That wouldn't help anything. The movie was exactly what it professed to be. In just the opening credits, four people got blown up and one got beheaded. The girl in front of me put her hands over her eyes and turned her face into her date's chest. He patted her shoulder, and winced occasionally, too. Mike didn't look like he was watching. His face was stiff as he glared toward the fringe of curtain above the screen. I settled in to endure the two hours, watching the colors and the movement on the screen rather than seeing the shapes of people and cars and houses. But then Jacob started sniggering. â€Å"What?†I whispered. â€Å"Oh, c'mon!†he hissed back. â€Å"The blood squirted twenty feet out of that guy. How fake can you get?†He chuckled again, as a flagpole speared another man into a concrete wall. After that, I really watched the show, laughing with him as the mayhem got more and more ridiculous. How was I ever going to fight the blurring lines in our relationship when I enjoyed being with him so much? Both Jacob and Mike had claimed the armrests on either side of me. Both of their hands rested lightly, palms up, in an unnatural looking position. Like steel bear traps, open and ready. Jacob was in the habit of taking my hand whenever the opportunity presented itself, but here in the darkened movie theater, with Mike watching, it would have a different significanceand I was sure he knew that. I couldn't believe that Mike was thinking the same thing, but his hand was placed exactly like Jacob's. I folded my arms tightly across my chest and hoped that both their hands fell asleep. Mike gave up first. About halfway through the movie, he pulled his arm back, and leaned forward to put his head in his hands. At first I thought he was reacting to something on the screen, but then he moaned. â€Å"Mike, are you okay?†I whispered. The couple in front of us turned to look at him as he groaned again. I could see the sheen of sweat across his face in the light from the screen. Mike groaned again, and bolted for the door. I got up to follow him, and Jacob copied me immediately. â€Å"No, stay,†I whispered. â€Å"I'll make sure he's okay.†Jacob came with me anyway. â€Å"You don't have to come. Get your eight bucks worth of carnage,†I insisted as we walked up the aisle. â€Å"That's okay. You sure can pick them, Bella. This movie really sucks.†His voice rose from a whisper to its normal pitch as we walked out of the theater. There was no sign of Mike in the hallway, and I was glad then that Jacob had come with mehe ducked into the men's bathroom to check for him there. Jacob was back in a few seconds. â€Å"Oh, he's in there, all right,†he said, rolling his eyes. â€Å"What a marshmallow. You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit.†â€Å"I'll keep my eyes open for someone like that.†We were all alone in the hallway. Both theaters were halfway through the movie, and it was desertedquiet enough for us to hear the popcorn popping at the concession counter in the lobby. Jacob went to sit on the velveteen-upholstered bench against the wall, patting the space beside him. â€Å"He sounded like he was going to be in there for a while,†he said, stretching his long legs out in front of him as he settled in to wait. I joined him with a sigh. He looked like he was thinking about blurring more lines. Sure enough, as soon as I sat down, he shifted over to put his arm around my shoulders. â€Å"Jake,†I protested, leaning away. He dropped his arm, not looking bothered at all by the minor rejection. He reached out and took my hand firmly, wrapping his other hand around my wrist when I tried to pull away again. Where did he get the confidence from? â€Å"Now, just hold on a minute, Bella,†he said in a calm voice. â€Å"Tell me something.†I grimaced. I didn't want to do this. Not just not now, but not ever. There was nothing lett in my life at this point that was more important than Jacob Black. But he seemed determined to ruin everything. â€Å"What?†I muttered sourly. â€Å"You like me, right?†â€Å"You know I do.†â€Å"Better than that joker puking his guts out in there?†He gestured toward the bathroom door. â€Å"Yes,†I sighed. â€Å"Better than any of the other guys you know?†He was calm, sereneas if my answer didn't matter, or he already knew what it was. â€Å"Better than the girls, too,†I pointed out. â€Å"But that's all,†he said, and it wasn't a question. It was hard to answer, to say the word. Would he get hurt and avoid me? How would I stand that? â€Å"Yes,†I whispered. He grinned down at me. â€Å"That's okay, you know. As long as you like me the best. And you think I'm good-lookingsort of. I'm prepared to be annoyingly persistent.†â€Å"I'm not going to change,†I said, and though I tried to keep my voice normal, I could hear the sadness in it. His face was thoughtful, no longer teasing. â€Å"It's still the other one, isn't it?†I cringed. Funny how he seemed to know not to say the namejust like before in the car with the music. He picked up on so much about me that I never said. â€Å"You don't have to talk about it,†he told me. I nodded, grateful. â€Å"But don't get mad at me for hanging around, okay?†Jacob patted the back of my hand. â€Å"Because I'm not giving up. I've got loads of time.†I sighed. â€Å"You shouldn't waste it on me,†I said, though I wanted him to. Especially if he was willing to accept me the way I wasdamaged goods, as is. â€Å"It's what I want to do, as long as you still like to be with me.†â€Å"I can't imagine how I could not like being with you,†I told him honestly. Jacob beamed. â€Å"I can live with that.†â€Å"Just don't expect more,†I warned him, trying to pull my hand away. He held onto it obstinately. â€Å"This doesn't really bother you, does it?†he demanded, squeezing my fingers. â€Å"No,†I sighed. Truthfully, it felt nice. His hand was so much warmer than mine; I always felt too cold these days. â€Å"And you don't care what he thinks.†Jacob jerked his thumb toward the bathroom. â€Å"I guess not.†â€Å"So what's the problem?†â€Å"The problem,†I said, â€Å"is, that it means something different to me than it does to you.†â€Å"Well.†He tightened his hand around mine â€Å"That's my problem, isn't it?†â€Å"Fine,†I grumbled. â€Å"Don't forget it, though.†â€Å"I won't. The pin's out of the grenade for me, now, eh?†He poked me in the ribs. I rolled my eyes. I guess if he felt like making a joke out of it, he was entitled. He chuckled quietly for a minute while his pinky finger absently traced designs against the side of my hand. â€Å"That's a funny scar you've got there,†he suddenly said, twisting my hand to examine it. â€Å"How did that happen?†The index finger of his free hand followed the line of the long silvery crescent that was barely visible against my pale skin. I scowled. â€Å"Do you honestly expect me to remember where all my scars come from?†I waited for the memory to hitto open the gaping hole. But, as it so often did, Jacob's presence kept me whole. â€Å"It's cold,†he murmured, pressing lightly against the place where James had cut me with his teeth. And then Mike stumbled out of the bathroom, his face ashen and covered in sweat. He looked horrible. â€Å"Oh, Mike,†I gasped. â€Å"Do you mind leaving early?†he whispered. â€Å"No, of course not.†I pulled my hand free and went to help Mike walk. He looked unsteady. â€Å"Movie too much for you?†Jacob asked heartlessly. Mike's glare was malevolent. â€Å"I didn't actually see any of it,†he mumbled. â€Å"I was nauseated before the lights went down.†â€Å"Why didn't you say something?†I scolded as we staggered toward the exit. â€Å"I was hoping it would pass,†he said. â€Å"Just a sec,†Jacob said as we reached the door. He walked quickly back to the concession stand. â€Å"Could I have an empty popcorn bucket?†he asked the salesgirl. She looked at Mike once, and then thrust a bucket at Jacob. â€Å"Get him outside, please,†she begged. She was obviously the one who would have to clean the floor. I towed Mike out into the cool, wet air. He inhaled deeply. Jacob was right behind us. He helped me get Mike into the back of the car, and handed him the bucket with a serious gaze. â€Å"Please,†was all Jacob said. We rolled down the windows, letting the icy night air blow through the car, hoping it would help Mike. I curled my arms around my legs to keep warm. â€Å"Cold, again?†Jacob asked, putting his arm around me before I could answer. â€Å"You're not?†He shook his head. â€Å"You must have a fever or something,†I grumbled. It was freezing. I touched my fingers to his forehead, and his head was hot. â€Å"Whoa, Jakeyou're burning up!†â€Å"I feel fine.†He shrugged. â€Å"Fit as a fiddle.†I frowned and touched his head again. His skin blazed under my fingers. â€Å"Your hands are like ice,†he complained. â€Å"Maybe it's me,†I allowed. Mike groaned in the backseat, and threw up in the bucket. I grimaced, hoping my own stomach could stand the sound and smell. Jacob checked anxiously over his shoulder to make sure his car wasn't defiled. The road felt longer on the way back. Jacob was quiet, thoughtful. He left his arm around me, and it was so warm that the cold wind felt good. I stared out the windshield, consumed with guilt. It was so wrong to encourage Jacob. Pure selfishness. It didn't matter that I'd tried to make my position clear. If he felt any hope at all that this could turn into something other than friendship, then I hadn't been clear enough. How could I explain so that he would understand? I was an empty shell. Like a vacant housecondemnedfor months I'd been utterly uninhabitable. Now I was a little improved. The front room was in better repair. But that was alljust the one small piece. He deserved better than thatbetter than a one-room, falling-down fixer-upper. No amount of investment on his part could put me back in working order. Yet I knew that I wouldn't send him away, regardless. I needed him too much, and I was selfish. Maybe I could make my side more clear, so that he would know to leave me. The thought made me shudder, and Jacob tightened his arm around me. I drove Mike home in his Suburban, while Jacob followed behind us to take me home. Jacob was quiet all the way back to my house, and I wondered if he were thinking the same things that I was. Maybe he was changing his mind. â€Å"I would invite myself in, since we're early,†he said as we pulled up next to my truck. â€Å"But I think you might be right about the fever. I'm starting to feel a little strange.†â€Å"Oh no, not you, too! Do you want me to drive you home?†â€Å"No.†He shook his head, his eyebrows pulling together. â€Å"I don't feel sick yet. Just wrong. If I have to, I'll pull over.†â€Å"Will you call me as soon as you get in?†I asked anxiously. â€Å"Sure, sure.†He frowned, staring ahead into the darkness and biting his lip. I opened my door to get out, but he grabbed my wrist lightly and held me there. I noticed again how hot his skin felt on mine. â€Å"What is it, Jake?†I asked. â€Å"There's something I want to tell you, Bella but I think it's going to sound kind of corny.†I sighed. This would be more of the same from the theater. â€Å"Go ahead.†â€Å"It's just that, I know how you're unhappy a lot. And, maybe it doesn't help anything, but I wanted you to know that I'm always here. I won't ever let you downI promise that you can always count on me. Wow, that does sound corny. But you know that, right? That I would never, ever hurt you?†â€Å"Yeah, Jake. I know that. And I already do count on you, probably more than you know.†The smile broke across his face the way the sunrise set the clouds on fire, and I wanted to cut my tongue out. I hadn't said one word that was a lie, but I should have lied. The truth was wrong, it would hurt him. I would let him down. A strange look crossed his face. â€Å"I really think I'd better go home now,†he said. I got out quickly. â€Å"Call me!†I yelled as he pulled away. I watched him go, and he seemed to be in control of the car, at least. I stared at the empty street when he was gone, feeling a little sick myself, but not for any physical reason. How much I wished that Jacob Black had been born my brother, my flesh-and -blood brother, so that I would have some legitimate claim on him that still left me free of any blame now. Heaven knows I had never wanted to use Jacob, but I couldn't help but interpret the guilt I felt now to mean that I had. Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knewknew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chestwas how love gave someone the power to break you. I'd been broken beyond repair. But I needed Jacob now, needed him like a drug. I'd used him as a crutch for too long, and I was in deeper than I'd planned to go with anyone again. Now I couldn't bear for him to be hurt, and I couldn't keep from hurting him, either. He thought time and patience would change me, and, though I knew he was dead wrong, I also knew that I would let him try. He was my best friend. I would always love him, and it would never, ever be enough. I went inside to sit by the phone and bite my nails. â€Å"Movie over already?†Charlie asked in surprise when I came in. He was on the floor, just a foot from the TV. Must be an exciting game. â€Å"Mike got sick,†I explained. â€Å"Some kind of stomach flu.†â€Å"You okay?†â€Å"I feel fine now,†I said doubtfully. Clearly, I'd been exposed. I leaned against the kitchen counter, my hand inches from the phone, and tried to wait patiently. I thought of the strange look on Jacob's face before he drove away, and my fingers started drumming against the counter. I should have insisted on driving him home. I watched the clock as the minutes ticked by Ten. Fifteen. Even when I was driving, it took only fifteen minutes, and Jacob drove faster than I did. Eighteen minutes. I picked up the phone and dialed. It rang and rang. Maybe Billy was asleep. Maybe I'd dialed wrong. I tried again. On the eighth ring, just as I was about to hang up, Billy answered. â€Å"Hello?†he asked. His voice was wary, like he was expecting bad news. â€Å"Billy, it's me, Belladid Jake make it home yet? He left here about twenty minutes ago.†â€Å"He's here,†Billy said tonelessly. â€Å"He was supposed to call me.†I was a little irritated. â€Å"He was getting sick when he left, and I was worried.†â€Å"He was too sick to call. He's not feeling well right now.†Billy sounded distant. I realized he must want to be with Jacob. â€Å"Let me know if you need any help,†I offered. â€Å"I could come down.†I thought of Billy, stuck in his chair, and Jake fending for himself â€Å"No, no,†Billy said quickly. â€Å"We're fine. Stay at your place.†The way he said it was almost rude. â€Å"Okay,†I agreed. â€Å"Bye, Bella.†The line disconnected. â€Å"Bye,†I muttered. Well, at least he'd made it home. Oddly, I didn't feel less worried. I trudged up the stairs, fretting. Maybe I would go down before work tomorrow to check on him. I could take soupwe had to have a can of Campbell's around here somewhere. I realized all such plans were canceled when I woke up earlymy clock said four thirtyand sprinted to the bathroom. Charlie found me there a half hour later, lying on the floor, my cheek pressed against the cold edge of the bathtub. He looked at me for a long moment. â€Å"Stomach flu,†he finally said. â€Å"Yes,†I moaned. â€Å"You need something?†he asked. â€Å"Call the Newtons for me, please,†I instructed hoarsely. â€Å"Tell them I have what Mike has, and that I can't make it in today. Tell them I'm sorry.†â€Å"Sure, no problem,†Charlie assured me. I spent the rest of the day on the bathroom floor, sleeping for a few hours with my head on a crumpled up towel. Charlie claimed that he had to work, but I suspected that he just wanted access to a bathroom. He left a glass of water on the floor beside me to keep me hydrated. It woke me up when he came back home. I could see that it was dark in my roomafter nightfall. He clumped up the stairs to check on me. â€Å"Stillalive?†â€Å"Sort of,†I said. â€Å"Do you want anything?†â€Å"No, thanks.†He hesitated, clearly out of his element. â€Å"Okay, then,†he said, and then he went back down to the kitchen. I heard the phone ring a few minutes later. Charlie spoke to someone in a low voice for a moment, and then hung up. â€Å"Mike feels better,†he called up to me. Well, that was encouraging. He'd only gotten sick eight hours or so before me. Eight more hours. The thought made my stomach turn, and I pulled myself up to lean over the toilet. I fell asleep on the towel again, but when I woke up I was in my bed and it was light outside my window. I didn't remember moving; Charlie must have carried me to my roomhe'd also put the glass of water on my bedside table. I felt parched. I chugged it down, though it tasted funny from sitting stagnant all night. I got up slowly, trying not to trigger the nausea again. I was weak, and my mouth tasted horrible, but my stomach felt fine. I looked at my clock. My twenty-four hours were up. I didn't push it, eating nothing but saltine crackers for breakfast. Charlie looked relieved to see me recovered. As soon as I was sure that I wasn't going to have to spend the day on the bathroom floor again, I called Jacob. Jacob was the one who answered, but when I heard his greeting I knew he wasn't over it. â€Å"Hello?†His voice was broken, cracking. â€Å"Oh, Jake,†I groaned sympathetically. â€Å"You sound horrible.†â€Å"I feel horrible,†he whispered. â€Å"I'm so sorry I made you go out with me. This sucks.†â€Å"I'm glad I went.†His voice was still a whisper. â€Å"Don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault.†â€Å"You'll get better soon,†I promised. â€Å"I woke up this morning, and I was fine.†â€Å"You were sick?†he asked dully. â€Å"Yes, I got it, too. But I'm fine now.†â€Å"That's good.†His voice was dead. â€Å"So you'll probably be better in a few hours,†I encouraged. I could barely hear his answer. â€Å"I don't think I have the same thing you did.†â€Å"Don't you have the stomach flu?†I asked, confused. â€Å"No. This is something else.†â€Å"What's wrong with you?†â€Å"Everything,†he whispered. â€Å"Every part of me hurts.†The pain in his voice was nearly tangible. â€Å"What can I do, Jake? What can I bring you?†â€Å"Nothing. You can't come here.†He was abrupt. It reminded me of Billy the other night. â€Å"I've already been exposed to whatever you have,†I pointed out. He ignored me. â€Å"I'll call you when I can. I'll let you know when you can come down again.†â€Å"Jacob†â€Å"I've got to go,†he said with sudden urgency. â€Å"Call me when you feel better.†â€Å"Right,†he agreed, and his voice had a strange, bitter edge. He was silent for a moment. I was waiting for him to say goodbye, but he waited too. â€Å"I'll see you soon,†I finally said. â€Å"Wait for me to call,†he said again. â€Å"Okay Bye, Jacob.†â€Å"Bella,†he whispered my name, and then hung up the phone.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
JET2 Task 4. Findings on Competition Bikes, Inc. Essay
Costing Method The traditional costing method is a distribution of manufacturing overhead costs to the actual products manufactured. By using this method the factory’s indirect costs are assigned, on a scale of volume, to the items manufactured (Averkamp, 2013). This may include items such as the direct hours of labor or the number of bikes produced. This volume metric, however, is not the driving factor for manufacturing overhead expenses in fact this method is designed more for departmental focus. It can also be very inaccurate as there is little to no relations between the actual costs and the activity these costs are being signed to. This method often causes inaccuracies. It is in the company’s best interest to switch, as many companies are doing, to an activity-based costing system. Activity-based costing system will be used to identify the costs of Competition Bikes, Inc.’s activities and services based on actual consumption. This system consists of four steps in order to build its cost point. First, Competition Bikes, Inc. must recognize activities guesstimate their overall costs. Second, the cost driver must be estimated for each activity and done so on the basis of the overall quantity of the driver’s allotment. Third, Competition Bikes, Inc. must calculate how much of the costs should be distributed to each activity. Fourth, costs must be distributed to the cost object. Although this method is time consuming and costly the activity-based costing method will generally earn this money back plus some as it has a much more precise prognosis of the correct costs that are related with each activity. This system often generates more overheads into direct costs then compared to the traditional costing method. It is believed by switching from a traditional costing system to an activity-based costing system, Competition Bikes, Inc. will gain greater knowledge and be able to define the driving forces and costs of the products being manufactured. According to the overhead analysis, while using the traditional costing method the Titanium models costs $713 per unit and the CarbonLite models costs $1,359 per unit. Under the activity-based costing method Titanium models cost $656 per unit to produce and CarbonLite models cost $1,460 per unit. This shows us the difference in the two costing methods. Traditional costing method over-valued the costs of Titanium bikes and under-valued the costs of CarbonLite bikes, which is apparent when looking at the activity-based costing method. Again due to the way activity-based costing method breaks down the activities and allocates each one, this method is much more accurate than that of the traditional. Competition Bikes, Inc. can now analyze these costs and look for ways to improve operational results now that the costs have been broken down and allocated to different activities. Using the activity based costing method the CarbonLite models is at a much higher rate than that of the traditional costing method yet the Titanium models have the opposite affect as the total product costs are lower using the activity based costing system than that of traditional costing methods. Prices vary greatly between the two bike models, which were not seen before under the traditional costing method. The company should be able to now evaluate these costs and find ways in which they can lower them to get them more in line with one another. As stated above the activity-based costing method also allows Competition Bikes, Inc. to simply identify variations in product costs and pinpoint the variation directly to the source. This helps the company keep control of the company’s costs and expenses. This assists in keeping profits relatively steadily. The current operations can also be improved by implementing a just-in-time inventory management system. This is where the company only buys the materials that it needs to produce the units that are actually sold. This cuts down on dollars that are tied-up in inventory held in raw materials inventory. This is a considerable amount for Competition Bikes, Inc. and will be lowered enormously as fewer materials are placed in raw materials. This will be billed in the same month in which they are produced creating fewer dollars to be tied up in inventory. This will then be converted to cash to be used as working capital. Breakeven Point According to Investopedia the breakeven point is the point at which gains equal losses. For Competition Bikes, Inc. achieving the breakeven point is a leap in the right direction. This will allow them to be one step closer to being a profitable business. Here we will analyze the sales units and the sales dollars of the Titanium and CarbonLite bike models in order to configure the breakeven point. In order to construct the breakeven point we must use the weight average contribution margin. This is calculated by dividing the combined contribution margin (sales price per unit subtracted by the variable cost per unit) by the total sales mix-in units. The contribution margin per unit is equal to $221 for the Titanium models and $111 for the CarbonLite models. Now we multiply these numbers by the total sales mix-in units to reach the contribution margin. The total contribution margin ($127,200) is divided by the total sales mix-in units (700) in order to receive a weight average contribution margin of $181.71. At breakeven the total contribution margin subtracted by the fixed costs will equal 0. The sales units multiplied by the weight average contribution margin equals the fixed cost. From the data given the estimated fixed costs is $400,000. The fixed costs divided by the weight average contribution margin of $181.71 can help Competition Bikes, Inc. determine the breakeven point of 2,201 sales units. Now Competition Bikes, Inc. can calculate sales units and sales dollars with these numbers calculated. By parting the sales at the breakeven point by the product mix-in does this. Competition Bikes, Inc. must sale 1,415 Titanium and 786 CarbonLite models in order to hit their breakeven point and gain profitability. The sales dollars at the breakeven point are computed by multiplying the breakeven sales units by the sales price per unit. This equals $1,273,584 for Titanium and $1,175,314 for CarbonLite models giving us a overall amount of $2,448,899. Breakeven Analysis Change We will now discuss how the changes in direct materials and fixed costs to the production facility based on an evaluation of cost-volume-profit will affect the breakeven analysis. If the costs of direct materials increased by 10%, Competition Bikes, Inc. will notice a change in the breakeven point as the variable costs would then increase from $679 per unit to $709 per unit for the Titanium models and $1,384 per unit to $1,451 per unit for the CarbonLite models. Because the variable cost per unit has changed so will the contribution margin per unit. This will have a large decrease on both the Titanium and the CarbonLite models as Titanium bikes would have a contribution margin of $191 per unit and CarbonLite bikes would also have a contribution margin to $44 per unit. We then multiply these changes by the sales mix in values. The contribution margin for the Titanium bikes is $85,950 and $11,000 for the CarbonLite bikes. This gives Competition Bikes, Inc. a total contribution margin of $96,950. The weight average contribution margin is now calculated by dividing the contribution margin of $96,815 by 700 the total number of sales mix-in units. This totals to $138.5. Before the 10% increase this number was much higher at $181.71. If Competition Bikes, Inc. added $50,000 in the fixed costs towards the production facility, changes would occur in the sales units at the breakeven point. The calculation would be $450,000 compared to $400,000 divided by the new weight average contribution margin of $138.5. This totals to 3,249 units. Titanium models would total 2,089 in sales units at the breakeven point and CarbonLite would total 1,160 sales units at the breakeven point. The total breakeven point in sales dollars now increases to $3,614,620. This is an extra $1,165,721. Competition Bikes, Inc. would need to stay on top of these additional costs and in order to do so they must increase their sales each quarter. Based on direct materials increase of 10% and the additional $50,000 in fixed costs, Competition Bikes, Inc. will need to manufacture 1,048 additional units in order to breakeven. References Averkamp, Harold. (2013). Accounting Coach. What is the Traditional Method used in Cost Accounting? Retrieved from Investopedia. (2013). Breakeven Point-BEP. Retrieved from Johnson, Rose. (2012). EHow Money. The Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Retrieved from Wikipedia. (2013). The Free Encyclopedia. Activity-based Costing. Retrieved from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Personal Wellness Living Plan Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Wellness Living Plan - Article Example Personally, my goal is to work on reducing my body weight from currently 170kg to 80kg. This is a hard task, and for me to achieve it, a lot of disciple and advice from health officials will be very vital. One can reduce weight in many different ways. However, before resorting anyone of them, it is critical to consult medical practitioners to advise you on the best method suitable for you. Health experts have always advised that eating a healthy diet is one of the best ways to reduce the body weight (Moreno 48). Healthy weight reduction takes time and energy, but simple changes in the lifestyle like eating a healthy diet can greatly help in the process. Keeping proper food and exercise diary will be key for me to achieve my goal. A regular workout regime will be developed, and my diet is modified according to my doctor’s advice so as to achieve a healthy weight loss. The implementation of this plan will not be easy as I will have to adjust to some routines that I was never used to before. Having to eat fewer carbohydrates will specifically be tough for me as some of my favorite meals fall in this category of foods. To overcome all these difficulties, I will count on the support of my family members. They will play a big part in my transformation process, offering moral support and guidance. Despite all the challenges I am likely to face in my dream to lower my body weight, my motivation is to reduce the risks of getting high blood pressure and other diseases related to body weight.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Jacobs Creek in United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jacobs Creek in United Kingdom - Essay Example Since 1973, the company has accumulated around 5000 awards that include 110 trophies and 670 gold medals2. Jacob Creek is one the Australia’s most famous wine distributor. The company has continued to innovate in a variety of ways. It recently introduced screw caps instead of the corks on its Riesling variety. The quality price ratio of the products from Jacob’s Creek is excellent as the basic wines cost just  £4.6. The only major weakness that Jacob’s Creek reflects is that it is not an elitist brand and it has no snob value3. The brand is approachable by everybody because of its lower cost as compared to other leading premium wine producers. A person having a bottle of Jacob’s Creek is considered no outclass in contrast to a person holding a bottle of Absolut in his hand. The wine market of UK is one of the worlds largest and the most dynamic market for imported wines. Wine share of all the alcoholic beverages in the UK accounts for 30%. The market is valued to  £7 to  £9 billion by the Wine Intelligence4. There are 45 million adults in the UK of which 31 million are wine drinkers, therefore all the statistics are in favor of Jacob’s Creek brand. The population structure is changing rapidly in the UK as more and more people cross the 65 years mark; the younger population group is falling day by day. The average life expectancy in the UK has increased to 82 from 78.55 which means that the wine consumers are on the rise. This is evident from the survey by Wine Intelligence Ltd that most of the wine consumers are above the age of 65. The distribution cost is less in the UK as compared to Australia but it is a difficult task. UK is bigger is size than Australia in terms of developed areas. Wine consumers are spread from the downtowns to suburbs in the UK which requires wine companies to develop a strong distribution system in order to maintain presence everywhere in the country. The warehouse costs are much higher
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Informative abstract one page on the 8 of a mechanical heart with MLA Research Paper
Informative abstract one page on the 8 of a mechanical heart with MLA formatted work cited - Research Paper Example The task involves not just mimicking the mechanics of the heart but its interaction with the brain. The significance of heart is no less profound today, but now it assumes an aura of pragmatism with concern for healthfulness which has resulted in the development of the mechanical heart. In patients with advanced heart failure, their heart isnt strong enough to pump sufficient blood for normal activities, leaving them greatly fatigued and frequently bedridden with difficulty breathing. Mechanical heart pumps are designed to help the heart pump blood from the left ventricle to the aorta, increasing flow throughout the body. A mechanical heart is designed to reduce the total work load of a heart that can no longer work at its normal capacity. These hearts consist of equipment that pulses the blood between heart beats or use an artificial auxiliary ventricle (left ventricle assist device, LVAD) that pumps a portion of the normal cardiac output. Because such devices usually result in complications to the patient, they have generally been used as a temporary replacement until natural he arts can be obtained for transplantation. Two artificial hearts have been invented in the US, the Jarvik 7 and the AbioCor, but both have drawbacks: the first has wires that protrude through the skin, and the second can produce blood clots that can lead to stroke. The mechanical heart restores hemodynamic stability; raising blood pressure and helping vital organs recover, as much as possible, in preparation for a heart transplant. For persons who are not heart transplant candidates, the mechanical heart has allowed prolonged time with family and friends, and time to enjoy desired activities. Patients can even go home with a fully implanted mechanical heart. Advantages of the mechanical heart are that it is readily available and there is no need for immunosuppressive drugs, which can compromise renal
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Queen Victoria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Queen Victoria - Essay Example Queen Victoria has passed away a little more than hundred years and already she has become the subject of biography more than any other women born since 1800. Walter. L. Arnstein, the famous historian and writer also could not escape the charm, and enigma of the life of this great lady possessed and he also selected Queen Victoria as the subject of his biography. Arnstein tried his best indeed to captivate the political, social, religious and personal life of the Queen Victoria as much as possible. This biography is remarkably different from other works falling into the same canon in many ways. The work is commendable and it is justified too as the biography has been written by a renowned historian and so it is quite expected that the book contains many perspective of her life from the point of a historian. And in craving out the historical aspects and details of her life, Arnstein uses many research materials which focuses on the widely neglected aspects of the Queen’s life a nd reign which most importantly is presented in details maintained by relative brevity of an expert writer (Arnstein, â€Å"Queen Victoria†). ... This fact can be well perceived if one gives a close introspection into the anatomy of the book. The book, â€Å"Queen Victoria†is divided into nine chapters and an introduction. The chapters are culminated according to the events which took place chronologically into the Queen’s life or in other ways are neatly divided into different phases of Queen’s life. The chapters bear the following names which are very much relative to the events and phases of Queen’s life chronologically, ‘The Cloistered Princess’, ‘The Royal Teenager’, ‘The Model of Domesticity’, ‘The Reigning Partner’, ‘Britain’s Champion’, ‘The Reclusive Widow’, ‘The Guardian of the Constitution’, ‘The Imperial Matriarch’ and ‘The Paradoxical Monarch’ (Arnstein, â€Å"Queen Victoria†). The contents in these chapters are evolved from myriad sources that are centerin g round the political and personal life of the Queen as well. The sources include Victoria’s own writings published in many journals and unpublished letters (Christopher, â€Å"Aristocratic Whig Politics in Early-Victorian Yorkshire: Lord Morpeth and His World†). Here, the author provides the Queen with a wide scope to say her story in her own words. Arnstein does so by quoting Victoria at many places which finally clears her stand-point, contention and perspective on different issues. From these personal accounts, the readers are enabled to learn the perspective, thought and vision of the Queen regarding religion, gender, politics and connection with Ireland. The solidarity and preciseness with which the Queen is given the opportunity to unfold her life through her version differentiates this book from the other biographies (Lynn,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Information Systems supporting the Department of Human Services Assignment
Information Systems supporting the Department of Human Services - Assignment Example Basically, organizations are segmented into different departments. Further, these departments are specified according to their roles and functions as well as these functions on a broader dimension are further supported by other business processes that shape overall structure of an organization. Now, it is very important for us to understand the role of Information System as a basic component in an organization as it enhances the abilities and adds value not only to an organization but also to its customers. The use of Information System mainly depends on the nature and the needs that are required to be addressed in meeting the objectives within an organization. It is worth mentioning that an organization is comprised of different systems which are inter-related with each other as well as the role of effective information and its usage among these systems is directly associated with the process of quick decision making. It is highly imperative for the organizations around the world to establish an effective and more comprehensive Information System that would help them in achieving their goals with increased work efficiency. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents: Introduction: 3 Business Process of the Functional Area: 4 Creating Financial Statements: 5 Financial Operations: 6 Financial operations work on the basis of these statements as these statements show the performance and the financial needs of the organization. This also helps the organization to evaluate the potential of their operations and their financial capability that would further assist them in generating more funds and fulfilling its needs and other requirements. Financial operations estimate the potential or other possible resources through which they can generate funds. -Investing cash: 6 INFORMATION SYSTEMS: 6 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: 7 Management Information Systems: 9 List of References: 11 4-Samuel, M. (2010), â€Å"The Direct Link between Business Results and Organizational Cultu re†, viewed on 17 July 2011, 11 6-Kehinde, T. (2010), â€Å"Effective Information System†viewed on 17 July 2011, 12 8-Business Local Listing, (2009), â€Å"Advantages of Business Process Outsourcing†viewed on 17 July 2011, 12 APPENDICES 12 Introduction: To understand the importance and functioning of an Information System, it is very important for one to understand the structure of an organization. An organization consists of different groups and departments working together for achieving an organization’s goals and objectives. Organizations can be classified on the basis of their goals and structure. However, we cannot deny the fact that a balanced synchronization within the different departments and systems leads to smoother operations which results in overall success of the organization in the long-run. Functional Area: Basically, organizations are consisted of the functional areas which are inter-lined with each other as well as they are also respo nsible for achieving the goals of an organization (Jiang 2009, p.156). In large organizations, it is easy to differentiate between functional areas as they operate in
Monday, September 23, 2019
Downfall of Oedipus and Medea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Downfall of Oedipus and Medea - Essay Example However, like all other tragedies this play also focuses on the downfall of Oedipus and interestingly enlightens the readers about power struggle between God and Man. Edith Hall also says, â€Å"Oedipus can only fulfill his exceptional god-ordained destiny because Oedipus is a preeminently capable and intelligent human being†(xvi). Although the ending of the play reiterates the fact that man is a puppet in the hands of fate and Gods. 2.1. Oedipus and his Intelligence The episode of Oedipus’s confrontation with the Sphinx is a testimony against his super intelligent brain. As Oedipus himself says, â€Å"When the Sphinx, that singing bitch, was here†¦ Her riddle was not something the first man to stroll along could solveâ€â€a prophet was required. But then I came, Oedipus, who knew nothing. Yet I finished her off, using my wits rather than relying on birds†(Sophocles lines 469-478). From this point onwards the readers observe that Oedipus starts consider ing himself super human and the readers start realizing that he is forgetting his status of a mere mortal. The Priest also tries to remind him of his status of a human being by saying, â€Å"you are not divine so confine within your human limitations†(Sophocles 54). In contrast to Oedipus’s intelligence, Sophocles presents the readers with Teiresias who behaves like a man of wisdom yet he fears Gods and knows his place although he also attained his level of wisdom after losing his physical sight. Hence, regardless of Oedipus’s over intelligence Teiresias realizes that he is the most ignorant of men. Teiresias voices his opinion by saying, â€Å"How dreadful it can be to have wisdom when it brings no benefit†(Sophocles 374-376). 2.2. Oedipus and his Pride Oedipus because of his intelligence begins to consider himself invincible, which can be equated to his arrogance or pride. This invincibility can be interpreted from his dialogues with Teiresias where h e repeatedly asserts his higher intellect as he also says at one point, â€Å"Mock my excellence, but you will find out I am truly great†(Sophocles 534-535). Sophocles strategically places Teiresias’s character in order to remind Oedipus of his follies though to no avail as he bluntly says to Oedipus, â€Å"That quality of yours now ruins you†(Sophocles 536). ‘That quality’ which Teiresias refers to can be perceived as both a reference to his over intelligence as well as his arrogance. 2.3. Oedipus and Fate Although it is observed that all the action that takes place in the play occurs according to the prophecies. Yet the readers cannot ignore the fact that the idea of fate or prophecy is an abstract idea. This conclusion can be drawn fro Teiresias’s comment that, â€Å"Yet events will still unfold, for all my silence. It is not your fate to fall because of me†(Sophocles 407-409). Teiresias here clearly declares that fate or prophec y has nothing to do with the Oedipus’s approaching suffering but it is Apollo is the actual cause of Oedipus’s suffering and pain. 2.4. Oedipus and Apollo The relation between the mortal and the God can be categorized as an apt explication of power struggle. Oedipus says, â€Å"When a man has no fear of doing the act, he’
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Hephaestus Made Up Story Essay Example for Free
Hephaestus Made Up Story Essay â€Å"Where am I?†asked Hephaestus, confused and hurt. â€Å"Why you’re on Lemnos Island, you took quite a hit. I’m guessing you did something to make Zeus distraught, am I right?†said Thetis, a Nereid nymph. And suddenly Hephaestus remembered it all. Seeing his mother, Hera, all tied up and Zeus madder than ever. As he began to go through all the emotions again he carefully disdained all of the bad thoughts and put an indifferent face on; there was no reason to scare his new friend away. â€Å"Something like that,†he barely replied. â€Å"Well, I’m sure you’re very crippled. I shall take you to the Sintian Men; they will be responsible of you, for now. Okay, Hephaestus?†said Thetis. There was no response. â€Å"Poor kid,†mumbled Thetis as she took him to the Sintian Men. The following day Hephaestus woke up in an unfamiliar place, full of unfamiliar people. â€Å"Who are you? What do you want?†Hephaestus entreated. â€Å"We are the Sintian Men, we mean no harm. We’re here to help you.†said one of the men. And from that point on the Sintian Men and Hephaestus became very close good pals. Hephaestus soon started to become very well known around the island, and everyone wanted to meet him. He was a celebrity, crippled but famous. I never had this much attention, he thought. I practically know everyone here, like my own heaven. And then with a whim he saw Aerdna, for the first time. A million of questions rushed to his head: who is she? Where is she from? Has she always been here? I need to get to know her. Shy and formidable Hephaestus quickly retreated and went home. There he made a plan, with guile included. He decided to woo her. Hephaestus, the god that had the special gift of building fine arts, gently made a beautiful scallop shell. He planned to give it to Aerdna as a token of his love. She gladly accepted it, for she too had feelings for him. Now, at this time, Aphrodite was about to get thrown out of the heavens. â€Å"I can’t go! I’ll do anything!†she pleaded to Zeus. Zeus just laughed and replied, â€Å"You must marry the son of my wife: Hephaestus. He is located on Lemnos Island. But, good luck with that. For I see he has found himself another woman.†Hephaestus with another woman? I don’t believe so. This won’t do. She thought to herself. When I see it, I’ll believe it. So, Aphrodite made a trip to Lemnos Island and found out that what Zeus said was true. â€Å"I am appalled! I shall change all of this, I will keep my spot as the goddess of beauty if it’s the last thing I do!†yelled Aphrodite. Quickly and cleverly, Aphrodite made a plan. She would lure Aerdna into a cave and kill her right then and there. Then she will go to Hephaestus and demand his hand in marriage. But, as we all know, not everything always goes as planned. Aphrodite successfully lured her prey into the cave but as soon as Aerdna caught the gist of what was happening she tried to run away. In the end, Aerdna turned into the scallop shell Hephaestus gave her; which later on would become a sign of Aphrodite. Aphrodite and Hephaestus later then got married. Aphrodite remained being a goddess and Hephaestus never really figured out what happened with his one true love.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
History and Culture Essay Example for Free
History and Culture Essay Too long the country has been deprived of its national pride and independence. By 1911-1912, the foreigners were everywhere. The best way was to use them as sponsors for our changes, and let them call me â€Å"a dictator [corrupt and †¦ brutal] surrounding himself as soon as he could with some of the most despicable Chinese agents of the old regime; favoured [†¦] by foreign financiers [in the lust for] money and power and the means of extravagance and debauchery. †This year, the things are really disastrous. Chinas foreign debt reaches 900 million taels. The dynasty has gone bankrupt undertaking expensive reforms of the governmental administration, military and educational system. The new regime followed the West in the enchantment with democratic elements of constitution, representative assemblies, separation of governmental powers, and political parties. On my side, I was more interested to pacify gentry and to centralize state power having been dissolved after foreign intrusions and imperialistic affairs. For me as President, therefore, the prior task is to obtain the loan from the Four Group Powers in order to keep a strong and obedient military resource to establish the right type of government. My fame played to the benefit of the task. I do remember how Dr. Morrison, the then political adviser to the Chinese Government, was trading with Mr. Crisp, the head of the firm of C. B. Crisp Co, about the loan to pay for our administration needs this year, in 1912. We needed it badly in order not to depend so greatly on the Four Power Group, not to speak about Russia and Japan with their greed in regard to concessions. Then, the last persuasion for the â€Å"hard nut†Crisp to lend us ? 10,000,000 was delivered by Morrison in the words about my dictatorial position being the â€Å"benefit†of China. I am afraid, though, that we will have to owe the Four Group Allies ? 500,000,000, at the rate of ? 100,000,000 a year, not to forget about Japan and Russia trying to cut the fattest pieces of our cake in terms of territory, commerce and politics. Now I shall speak about my plans for the future. I really want to establish a â€Å"no-squeeze policy. †I believe that the modern Chinese state and nation should be centralised. The first step to do is to preserve the capital, thus, the centre of administrative authority, in Peking for the whole period of my office of President. Second, as I have never been a republican, I think about establishing a sort of a military dictatorship. I was often called the â€Å"strong man,†â€Å"a reputed reactionary,†and â€Å"arbitrary, tyrannical and self-indulgent†by my contemporaries, and, no doubt, I will be labelled like this by later researchers. My political opponents from the Kuomintang went even further referencing to me as nothing more than â€Å"[t]he fat bewhiskered general†. But even they can not deny that it was I who could build a strong army and placating fighting camps. That is why, in my opinion, there is no need to let those wordy democrats to spend time, effort and money on elections and the qualifications of voters. Let me stay â€Å"the strong dispenser of law and order†identifying the course of state policy by myself. Consequently, I plan to get rid of those tries to establish â€Å"popular sovereignty in the form of political parties and representative assemblies. †I watch them reorganising Sun Yat-sens Revolutionary Alliance into the Guomindang, or Nationalist Party, to dominate National Assembly after its election in December, 1912. I know that the trifle show with democratic elections for National/provincial/county assemblies could jeopardise the institute of centralised power I am planning to introduce. Later on, I will force the National Assembly to elect me as president for a long term, better for five years. Then, I will kick the Guomindang from the parliament because they are likely to assume too much political weight. The best solution will be also to dissolve all the assemblies that resemble a boiling pot, so â€Å"risky and messy†they are. Finally, I will do my best to consolidate all the state power in the hands of one person, and that person would be I. The best form to centralise power is monarchy, how ever discredited it has become. How about the British or Japanese constitutional model of the Emperor co-existing with the parliament? Lately, the title of â€Å"Grand Constitutional Emperor†has occurred to my mind as the best definition of the political system I want to achieve. Reanimating Confucianism as a state religion, there would be a chance to resurrect also the ideology of monarchism and to get back to traditional values, seeing also to the better economic and education opportunities to provide the nation with wealth and development. Bibliography Bowman, John S. , ed. Columbia Chronologies of Asian History and Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000. Cantlie, James, and C. Sheridan Jones. Sun Yat Sen and the Awakening of China. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1912. Croly, Herbert. Willard Straight. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924. Eastman, Lloyd E. â€Å"The May Fourth Movement as a Historical Turning Point: Ecological Exhaustion, Militarization, and Other Causes of Chinas Modern Crisis. †In Perspectives on Modern China: Four Anniversaries, edited by Thomas P. Bernstein et al. Armonk, NY: An East Gate Book, 1991, 123-138. Hyndman, H. M. The Awakening of Asia. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1919. Leang-Li, TAng. China in Revolt: How a Civilization Became a Nation. London: N. Douglas, 1927.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Nanotheranostic Approach for Cancer Therapy and Imaging
Nanotheranostic Approach for Cancer Therapy and Imaging HER 2 conjugated multifunctional cubic phase nanoparticles (CPNPs): A nanotheranostic approach for cancer therapy and imaging Abstract Recently, cubic phase nanoparticulate systems are used as attractive vehicle in drug delivery research due to sustained release of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs for cancer therapy. Currently, theranostic approach also emerged as frontier proposition for cancer therapeutics and diagnostics for better cancer management. Moreover, targeted drug delivery systems may be applied to increase the therapeutic index of the drugs and imaging agents at the targeted site. With an aim to develop a theranostic nanoformulation capable of drug delivery and imaging in a single shot, in the present study, HER 2 antibody conjugated cubic phase nanoparticles (CPNPs) were prepared by entrapping rapamycin (as a model anticancer drug) and QD 605 (as an imaging agent). The physicochemical characterisations of CPNPs were performed by different techniques. The antibody conjugated to CPNPs was confirmed by FT-IR and 1H NMR spectral analysis. In vitro studies were performed and demonstrated that, HER 2 conjugated rapamycin loaded CPNPs showed improved therapeutic efficacy than that of native rapamycin and rapamycin loaded CPNPs in HER 2 positive SKBr 3 cell line following enhanced cellular uptake through receptor mediated endocytosis. The molecular mechanisms of the particulate system on different signalling pathways were evaluated by western blot analysis. Further, the use of above system as an imaging modality was elucidated through optical imaging under in vitro system. Thus, these multifunctional CPNPs can be used as an effective targeted drug delivery system for cancer therapy and diagnosis in coming future. Introduction The life threatening disease cancer now becomes a challenge for survival worldwide due to its high mortality rate. So to achieve a better treatment modality, researchers are trying to develop new methodology for better management of cancer. Though chemotherapeutic agents are effective to some extent, however, clinical applications of these anticancer drugs are remained as a major problem due to their hydrophobic nature, low accessibility at the targeted site and dose limiting toxicity. With cancer tissues these drugs also affect the normal tissues with detrimental side effects [1, 2]. To overcome the lack of tumor specificity of cancer chemotherapy and diagnosis, till date nanomedicinal approaches have emerged as a hope for better therapeutics in cancer by using different nanocarriers like micelles, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles and nanoparticles consisting of biodegradable polymers etc. These approaches ultimately enhance the therapeutic potentiality of the drug in a sustaine d, controlled and targeted manner for longer period of time reducing the lethal side effects arose due to the drugs [3-5]. Recently, due to the capability to solubilise the hydrophilic, hydrophobic and amphiphilic molecules, cubic phase nanoparticulate systems are used as attractive vehicle in controlled drug delivery research [6]. In this regard, glyceryl monooleate (GMO) a synthetic lipid amphiphilic molecule approved by food and drug administration is known to form different lyotropic liquid crystalline phases depending upon water content. The cubic phase formed from GMO is a three dimensional network of curved lipid bilayers separated by intricate network of congruent water channels, now has been used for controlled drug delivery of different water soluble and insoluble drugs in the form of CPNPs [7, 8]. The use of surfactants may modulate the phase behaviour by controlling the shape and size of the nanoparticles which is an important parameter to cross different physiological barriers. In this current scenario, usually the surfactants like poly vinyl alcohol (PVA), tween 80, Pluronic F-127, Pluronic F-68, polysorbate 80 and vitamin-E TPGS etc are used as stabilisers in clinical studies to increase the therapeutic efficacy of the drug at the tumor site. In this regard, Barauskas et al have demonstrated that using Pluronic F-127 as a stabilising agent, stable aqueous nanoparticle dispersions may be obtained from the cubic phase of GMO [9]. Also it is shown that Pluronic F-127 through passive targeting can enhance the transportation of the drug towards cancerous tissues by inhibiting the drug efflux transporters [10]. Similarly, a well known natural polymer vitamin-E TPGS due to its biocompatible nature and excellent emulsifier in nanotechnology, is used for lipid-based drug delivery formulations. Moreover, also it can be used as an absorption enhancer and bioavailability promoter and facilitates the nanoparticles for carrying the drugs through gastrointestinal barrier. Apart from the above properties, recently vitamin-E TPGS is reported to inhibit p-gp pump effectively [11-13]. Recently, rapamycin and it analogs has been shown to inhibit the cancer cell growth obtained from breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, rehabdomyosarcoma, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, leukemia and ÃŽ ²-cell lymphoma. Rapamycin is a cytostatic agent and it shows its function by arresting the cells in G1 phase of cell cycle. The antitumor activity of rapamycin is found by blocking mTOR pathway, proposed to be an important target for treatment of cancer due to its involvement in tumorigenesis and angiogenesis on aberrant activation [14-16]. In spite of having potent anticancer effects of rapamycin, the clinical application is restricted due to its low bioavailability and hydrophobic nature [17]. In this milieu, nowadays different nanoparticulate systems are being used by different group of researchers to improve the therapeutic efficacy of rapamycin with a smaller dose for longer period of time in a controlled manner [2, 18]. Targeted drug deliver y vehicles are now emerged for improvement of treatment modality of the therapeutic agents and/or imaging agents strictly localising its pharmacological activity at the site of action through active targeting [1]. The surfaces of nanoparticles are decorated with peripheral ligands which bind specifically to the receptors those are over expressed in cancer cells arbitrating ligand-receptor interaction. Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER 2), tyrosine kinase transmembrane receptor are highly expressed in different types of cancers like breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, glioblastoma, ovarian cancer etc. Humanized anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody (mAb) trastuzumab (Herceptin) was approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration for clinical trials and it exclusively binds to HER 2 receptors preventing the cell growth in breast cancers. Targeted drug delivery with the help of mAb has drawn attention as an alternative approach for antibody mediated drug delivery of the chemotherapeutic agents for effective clinical translation [19, 20]. Nowadays optical imaging has been explored in biomedical research due to its high sensitivity, cost effectiveness, portability and lack of radiation and it shows marvellous implication by providing information for both in vitro and in vivo studies [21, 22]. The development of light emitting semiconductor nanocrystals known as quantum dots (QDs) have emerged as one of the most exciting interface of nanotechnology due to its unique optical and chemical properties over organic dyes. The unique properties of these QDs lead powerfully to study in molecular, cellular and in vivo imaging with advantages including narrow, symmetrical and tunable emission spectra according to their size and material composition, broad absorption spectra, high quantum yield, extremely photostable, more brightness and resistance to chemical degradation [23, 24]. In this study, we have formulated a theranostic nanocarrier for targeted drug delivery and imaging in treatment of cancer. Here, preparation and characterisation of HER 2 conjugated rapamycin and QD 605 loaded CPNPs based on GMO was done by blending pluronic F-127, vitamin-E TPGS, TPGS-HER 2 as a targeting moiety. Therapeutic evaluation of our formulated CPNPs was performed by taking both HER 2 positive and negative cell line through different in vitro experiments. Results confirmed that HER 2 conjugated rapamycin loaded CPNPs due to their higher uptake through receptor mediated endocytosis were more effective than that of unconjugated CPNPs and native drug treated case. Furthermore, in vitro cellular imaging study of formulated multifunctional CPNPs was validated by confocal microscopy and the results suggested that this multifunctional particulate system can act as a single bullet capable of obtaining a new concept for better therapeutics and diagnostics in cancer.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
How Cahokia Was Mighty :: essays research papers
North of Mexico, the pre-Colombian settlement of Cahokia was the most influential and intricate Native American community in North America. A society of mound builders, which endured from about 9500 B.C. to 1400 A.D., they set up a massive trading center complete with their own types of governing bodies, architecture, religion, sophisticated farming, and local specialties. In one way or another, the Cahokian culture touched even the far reaches of the present day United States, â€Å" from the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes, from the Atlantic coast to Oklahoma†, all from its central location in the Mississippi region. It is for these reasons that Cahokia was a superior power in the New World before the Europeans came, and even now, can be considered important and mighty.      The first factor that indicates the might of the Cahokian culture is the great structures of earth that they created for public buildings, residences of the nobility, religious purposes, and as burial ground. These mounds, 120 in number, were built on an area exceeding five square miles, and usually were between six and twelve feet in height. The largest mound however, named Monks mound for the colony of Trappist monks who later tried colonize atop the construction, covers today 14 acres at the base and rises 100 feet in height. What is even mightier about this mound, which happens to be the â€Å"largest pre-historic earthen structure in the New World†, is that it took over 19 million hours of labor to complete, and that it was done all by hand. The 22 million cubic feet of dirt it took to form the mound, was deposited in stages from about 900 to 1200 A.D.. The greatness that is Monks mound was probably used for governing, ceremonies, and for the Cahokian leaders’ living spaces and burial plots. Another remarkable mound in Cahokia, simply called Mound 72, was designed by the Cahokians so that one end of it faced the rising sun of the winter solstice, and the opposite end faced toward the setting sun of the summer solstice.      An additional type of architecture in the Cahokia realm that fascinated the excavators who found it’s remnants, are â€Å"wood henges†. Labeled for a likeness to England’s Stone-henge, the wood henges are several circles with different diameters of hundreds of feet and are made up of posts at regular intervals. What is so amazing about them is that the number of posts in each circle are in multiples of 12 (24, 36, 48, 60, and 72). It is believed that the posts marked lunar
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Monogamy and Marriage: The Battle Between Biology and the Buck Essay
Monogamy and Marriage: The Battle Between Biology and the Buck Monogamy does not imply fidelity (Fisher 63), and marriage does not imply monogamy. To understand this surprising statement, the word "monogamy" must be interpreted in a biological sense, and marriage in a legal sense. In other words, monogamy is just two people in a relationship for their mutual benefit, perhaps involving an extended family and children. Monogamy does not necessarily mean a life-long relationship, but it can, nor does it exclude occasional philandering. It is monogamy as long as two people maintain a pair-bond for their mutual benefit, no matter how short the relationship lasts. Marriage, on the other hand, legally recognizes many different mating systems from monogamy to polygamy. The association between monogamy, fidelity, and marriage has been the concern of religion over the years. It is said that Saint Augustine, who lived from A.D. 354 to 430, spread the Christian idea that adultery is a moral transgression for both men and women. Even the Ten Commandments forbid adultery. This attitude toward adultery, Fisher says, has long influenced the Western view of monogamy (84). In other words, religion has tried to moralize monogamy by injecting the belief that adultery is sinful and monogamy is permanent. Therefore, monogamy in a biological sense, contrary to the religious sense, does not necessarily connote sexual faithfulness of the partners, nor is it necessarily long term. Actually monogamy had developed long before religion became interested. According to Fisher’s estimate, nearly every human society has been monogamous to some degree (69), and she claims that human beings have a biologically natural preference for mo... ...cause the word â€Å"love†will never disappear from the dictionary. Works Cited Cable-McCarthy, Benjamin. "All We Ask for Are the Same Rights and Responsibilities Granted Heterosexual Couples." {National Press Club} 13 Apr. 1998. Fisher, Helen E. {Anatomy of Love}. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 1992. Horn, Wade. "Marriage and Government." {The World & I} 1 Nov. 1997. Longley, Clifford. "Sacred and Profane: What Exactly Do We Mean by a Family?" {The Daily Telegraph} 30 Jan. 1998. Lowry, Suzanne. "The Reinvention of Marriage." {Independence} 6 Oct. 1998. Quale, G. Robina. {A History of Marriage Systems}. Westport: Greenwood Press, Inc, 1988. Shaffern, Robert W. "Christianity and the Rise of the Nuclear Family." {America} 7 May 1994. Williams, Armstrong. "Fading Ring of Wedding Bells." {The Washington Times} 18 July 1999.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Poverty in India vs Poverty in the United States Essay
According to the general description of poverty, a person is considered poor if he or she finds it difficult to meet the minimum requirement of adequate living standards (Economy Watch). At present, inequality and poverty have been undoubtedly existent for the largest part of the world’s nations and people. Poverty has diverse characteristics, varying across time and from place to place. Unfortunately, the more global and profound causes of poverty are time and again less examined. With this concern, this paper examines and summarily compares the causes of poverty between two diverse nations, the United States and India. Poverty in India Since India’s independence, the problem of poverty in the country has remained a prevailing concern. In 2007, government estimates revealed that there were almost 220. 1 million residents in India living below the poverty line or unable to meet the basic standards of living (Economy Watch). Nearly 15 percent of the urban population and 21. 1 percent of the entire rural population of India lives in this difficult financial and physical dilemma, and this condition is aggravated by few job opportunities in the urban areas and low wages, which are usually paid in grains (Economy Watch). Several factors are to be blamed for India’s poverty problem. For instance, the Indian family unit is on average tremendously large, which further intensifies the effects of poverty. Moreover, rural populations are mostly dependent on agriculture, and have a high level of reliance on primitive techniques of agriculture, such as the monsoon season and rain patterns. Accordingly, improper irrigation facilities and inadequate rain can evidently cause no, or in a few fortunate cases, low production of crops. In addition, the caste system still prevails in India and this significantly causes poverty in the country’s rural areas. Like the movie â€Å"Slumdog Millionaire,†when the 18 old Jamal Malik was having an answering streak on the game show â€Å"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,†those associated with the show as well as the public, questioned how some boy who grew up in the slums of Mumbai is performing extremely well than others who are wealthier and more educated than him. Apparently, people from the lower castes are normally discriminated and deprived of several opportunities, causing inequalities and ultimately growing poverty to the enormous population. Poverty in the United States In 2005, the United States Census Bureau confirmed that there are about 37 million â€Å"poor†Americans. Apparently, some of these impoverished communities in the country have been the result of deindustrialization; as various blue-collar jobs that necessitate little education but paid well have been outsourced. Moreover, low-income Americans generally believe that too many immigrants, too many single-parent families, as well as excessively few jobs, medical bills, and drug abuse are the common causes of poverty in the country. However, on a closer look on the millions of people classified as â€Å"poor†by the Bureau reveal, only few of them fit the global description of poverty. Although material destitution does occur in the country, yet it is limited in severity and scope, as most of them survive in material conditions that would be considered as well-off or comfortable just a few generations ago. Taken as a whole, the common poor American has a microwave, a clothes washer and dryer, a stove, a refrigerator, air conditioning, and a car. Moreover, America’s poor can afford medical care, and an adequate house that is not overcrowded. Conclusion/Recommendation The term poverty is a multifaceted concept seeing that it is exceptionally complicated to draw a demarcation line between poverty and affluence. However, with a few apparent distinctions, poverty as a whole in India and the United States is principally a consequence of unemployment and low productivity. Then again, while poor Americans’ life is considered impoverished, yet it is far from the popular images of the dreadful poverty in India as conveyed in the movie â€Å"Slumdog Millionaire. †Nevertheless, in order to truly eradicate the problem of worldwide poverty, greater private and public organizations partnership along with efficient and committed bureaucratic machinery is required to take on the alarming problem. Reference Economy Watch. (n. d. ). Poverty in India. Retrieved June 8, 2009, from http://www. economywatch. com/indianeconomy/poverty-in-india. html
Monday, September 16, 2019
Obstacles Older Adults Nutritional Food Health And Social Care Essay
As concluded by a reappraisal of the literature, the subject of hungriness and older grownups is drastically understudied. However, hungriness is an issue impacting the older grownup Afro-american population peculiarly in hapless, developing metropoliss such as Chester, Pennsylvania. The intent of this survey is to look into the barriers to nutrient security among the aged life in this country and farther heighten the current research ; the focal point will be on deficiency of mobility, socioeconomic position, and deficiency of cognition on proper nutrition and where to entree equal nutrient. The information will be gathered by a subjective question/answer study entitled Household Food Insecurity Access Scale ( HFIAS ) . This study will be distributed to Afro-american grownups 65 and older life in the Chester, PA country. The informations acquired from this survey will ease the execution of future plans in order to give older grownups in the Chester, PA country equal entree to nutrit ionary nutrient. The troubles of turning old frequently make one think of an addition in furrows, trouble with mobility, finance problems, worsening wellness, and loss of sight. However, a common happening non thought of when discoursing the predicaments of an older individual is hunger stabs ; the aged often experience a deficiency of equal nutrition, trouble affording repasts, jobs with mobility impacting trips to a food market shop, and a figure of other factors impacting their entree to nutritionary nutrient. The combination of these factors make it highly hard for aged grownups, particularly those populating in ignored metropoliss like Chester, Pennsylvania, to achieve equal nutrient and nutrition in order to pull off a healthy life style. To do affairs more hard, the aged are frequently excessively proud to inquire for aid when it comes to any of the battles they face as a member of the older population, doing an inauspicious consequence on their wellness, wellbeing, and quality of life. The Current State of the Problem The continuity of hungriness in a development, hardworking state like the U.S. is â€Å" the most profound contradiction of our age †( Cohen & A ; Reeves, 2005 ) . About 800 million in the underdeveloped universe, about 20 per centum of the entire population, are inveterate malnourished ( Cohen & A ; Reeves, 2005 ) . Research has besides shown that at least 2 billion people suffer from vitamin and mineral lacks ( Cohen & A ; Reeves, 2005 ) . The aged are a population enormously at hazard for this terrorization world. As the baby-boomer population is coming of age, there is a important rise in the Numberss of aged people in society ( Metz, 2000 ) . Research shows that people 65 and older represent 37 million people in the U.S. , about 12 per centum of the population at big. With such a representative per centum of Americans in this class, the troubles impacting their quality of life are of important importance. Quality of life in old age can frequently be affected by mobility, finance problems, unequal nutrition, sick wellness, and other troubles, although the relationship is non clear ( Metz, 2000 ) . Literature Review Discussions of the older population normally focuses on the disablements that diminish older grownups ‘ capableness to â€Å" obtain nutrient and and/or prepare repasts †( Roe, 1990 ) . In a survey of hungriness and the aged, Schlenker ( 1984 ) â€Å" concluded that deficiency of entree to cooking installations may explicate their reported hungriness †( Roe, 1990 ) . Poverty has besides been identified as a finding factor of diet insufficiencies in the aged ( Roe, 1990 ) . Posner ( 1979 ) â€Å" emphasized that those aged with really low incomes non merely hold less money to pass on nutrient, but they besides may hold more disablements that diminish nutrient entree than less destitute elderly, who have better wellness attention †( Roe, 1990 ) . These factors have all been identified as critical determiners of hungriness and unequal entree to nutrient, yet no old surveies have determined which factors have a conjoining consequence, a more terrible impact, and how to repair these issues. The day of the months of these surveies, all before 1990 besides necessitate the demand for a more recent survey ; â€Å" Governments and international and national bureaus implementing nutrient and nutrition plans need information on the population ‘s nutrient insecurity to inform determination devising, proctor alteration and measure impact †( FANTA, 2008 ) . The construct of mobility can hold an impact on many other countries of life, such as it does on adequate entree to nutrition. A research survey to achieve more information in this country is necessitated peculiarly because by look intoing the loss of mobility with increasing age and the impact this has on accessing equal nutrition could heighten the quality of life for an older individual ( Metz, 2000 ) . Adequate nutrition and wellbeing are of import facets of remaining healthy, yet can go progressively hard with old age ; by researching the barriers forestalling good wellness and nutrition in old age, such as mobility, societal workers and research workers will break measure the demands of the aged population and how to supply good services. Socioeconomic factors may besides foretell hungriness and subsequent ailment wellness ( Biros, Hoffman, & A ; Resch, 2008 ) . Surveies have shown and estimated household income to be a factor forestalling persons from accessing equal nutrition ( Olson, 1999 ) . It is to no surprise that those with a lower income experience hungriness at a higher degree ; this is due to the fact they can non afford proper nutritionary nutrient and settle for fast nutrient eating houses or frozen processed nutrient. The aged population is no different. As stated above, this has an highly negative consequence on their wellness, every bit good as their emotional and mental wellbeing. The emphasis that can ensue due to the concerns and concerns an person of hapless socioeconomic position faces are a hapless influence on their mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing ( Biros, Hoffman, & A ; Resch, 2008 ) . A combination of these factors, every bit good as the deficiency of equal nutrition, can hold a long permanent negative impact on the wellness of an aged individual. Although money is a major cause of nutrient insecurity, seniors sometimes â€Å" have adequate money for nutrient but are non able to entree nutrient because of transit or functional restrictions, or are non able to decently utilize nutrient because of functional damages and wellness jobs †( Wolfe, Frongillo & A ; Valois, 2010 ) . Although frequently hungriness in the U.S. is linked to poverty as a status reflecting unequal resources, it can besides be linked to miss of cognition about said resources. In a survey by Carlson, Andrews, and Bickel ( 1999 ) , an estimated 11.9 % of U.S. families ( 35 million people ) were nutrient insecure. Among these, 4.1 % of families ( with 6.9 million grownups ) â€Å" showed a repeating form of hungriness due to unequal resources for one or more of their grownup aˆÂ ¦ sometime during the period †( Carlson, Andrews, & A ; Bickel, 1999 ) . Many older grownups remain uninformed about the utile beginnings that can assist them discontinue their hungriness, and are hence uneducated about ways to achieve equal alimentary nutrient. Other effects of hapless nutritionary position include wellness, â€Å" in the broadest sense of [ the word ] including societal and mental wellbeing every bit good as physical wellness and overall quality of life †( Olson, 1999, p. 521 ) . Hunger is associated with chronic hapless wellness and may coerce the aged to do picks that acutely impact their physical wellness and wellbeing ( Biros, Hoffman, & A ; Resch, 2008 ) . It is of import in societal work research to acknowledge how nutrient insecurity can impact wellness and overall quality of life either straight or indirectly through nutritionary position particularly in old age. The wellness effects of nutrient insecurity among the aged population comprise a potentially rich country for future, socially relevant research in the Fieldss of nutritionary scientific disciplines and geriatrics. The scaring hazard of hungriness can be associated with â€Å" compromised psychosocial operation †and other refering emotional provinces ( Olson, 1999 ) ; these are factors of immense concern for persons stand foring at least 12 per centum of our state ‘s population. This survey will find the prevalence of hungriness, the barriers forestalling this sensed hungriness, and its sensed wellness effects among the aged. As concluded by a reappraisal of the literature, and antecedently stated, the relationship between hungriness and older grownups is comparatively understudied. However, as illustrated, hunger is an issue impacting the older grownup population. Similarly, the aforesaid factors are issues blighting the lives of older grownups that can do it even more hard to stay healthy and eat alimentary nutrients. It is necessary to look into more on this subject by planing a survey to farther heighten the current research in this country in order to assist the older, hungry population. The intent of this survey is to place what obstructions, if any, are forestalling older Afro-american grownups in the Chester, PA country from accomplishing equal nutritionary nutrient. This peculiar survey will concentrate on deficiency of mobility, socioeconomic position, and the absence of cognition on nutritionary beginnings of nutrient. The research inquiries will be: Are there barriers forestalling older Africa n American grownups from accessing equal nutrition? Make these barriers include small to no mobility, finance problems, and deficiency of cognition? What can we as research workers to make arrest and prevent this job for the hereafter? With the informations collected from the study, plans will be implemented to ease the distribution of nutritionary nutrient within the country in an attempt to discontinue the bing job of hungriness in the older grownup population. In a similar attempt, participants will have a press release on where to travel to acquire nutrient, consciousness on proper nutrition, and how to manage their fundss in order to properly supply for their households appetites. The Demographics Although much of the research and information stated therefore far reflects the older population at a wide degree, the African American older grownups populating in Chester, Pennsylvania are no different, and may in fact experience all of these negative factors at a much higher degree. People 65 and older represent 11.8 per centum of the population in Chester, PA and 15.6 per centum of the Pennsylvania population at big harmonizing to the 2008 US Census ( US Census ) . Furthermore, the lives of these older grownups are made more hard as Chester, Pennsylvania is a instead developing and unfortunate, neglected community. The average family income in this country is $ 33,365, which is significantly less than the mean Pennsylvania household income of $ 50,713 ( City-Data, 2008 ) . Residents with income below the poorness degree in 2008 was at an dismaying 27.2 per centum while the remainder of the province is at a much more stable per centum of 11 per centum ( City-Data, 2008 ) . The pop ulation in Chester, PA has 16.7 per centum of persons unemployed, a per centum much above province norm ( City-Data, 2008 ) . Similarly, the African American population per centum is significantly higher than province norm at 74.6 per centum ( City-Data, 2008 ) . In footings of nutrient environment statistics, the metropolis does non hold a food market shop within its metropolis bounds coercing occupants to go forth Chester to make their nutrient shopping. Furthermore, Chester is # 84 on the list of â€Å" Top 100 least-safe metropoliss in the U.S. †( City-Data, 2008 ) . The combination of these unwanted statistics paints a graphic image of the neglected community that is Chester, PA. As if older grownups do non hold adequate jobs impacting their entree to adequate nutrition, it is clear to see that the African American older grownup population in Chester, PA has significantly more factors blighting their wellness and nutrition. In a survey by Wolfe, Frongillo, and Valois ( 2010 ) , Afro-american seniors are one population in peculiar that suffers from nutrient insecurity. Many urban elder African Americans rely on borrowing money from friends, â€Å" purchasing nutrient on recognition from local grocers, trusting on aid from close friends or household who were non ever able to supply the aid needed or making without. †With the bulk of the Chester, PA population in this class, an outstanding 74.6 per centum ( City-Data, 2008 ) , the senior Afro-american grownups who suffer from hungriness in this country demand help achieving satiating, alimentary nutrient. It is clip to acknowledge that adult females and kids are non the lone persons enduring from hungriness and malnutrition ; seniors are besides a group of greatest concern ( Wellman, Weddle, Kranz, & A ; Brain, 1997 ) . The high degree of malnutrition among America ‘s older grownup is non merely unacceptable, but it is preventable ( Wellman , 1997 ) . It is necessary to increase public consciousness of the issue of hungriness and older grownups through this research survey in order to help older individuals in accessing equal nutrition. On a similar note, the fact that many of the surveies aforementioned in this literature reappraisal are dated by more than 5 old ages warrants a demand for this research survey. The intent of this survey is to look into the barriers to nutrient security among the aged life in this country and farther heighten the current research ; the focal point will be on deficiency of mobility, socioeconomic position, and deficiency of cognition on pro per nutrition and where to entree equal nutrient. RESEARCH QUESTION What are the possible obstructions forestalling older grownups in the Chester country from having equal nutrient and nutrition? MEDTHODOLOGY Sampling & A ; Recruitment Procedures The population in this research survey includes Afro-american older grownups age 65 and older residing in Chester, PA, non in a nursing place or other healthcare installation. The names of the persons will be acquired from the Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging ( COSA ) . The sample will include both males and females in parts reflecting the current population ‘s per centums since the sample is critical to external cogency ; the findings can so be generalized to the larger mark population. The choice procedure will be done indiscriminately ; the topics in the survey will be chosen at random from the population. Every 3rd individual ‘s name on the list of older Afro-american grownups in Delaware County from COSA will be selected to finish the study. The participants will finish a consent missive that assures they understand their namelessness and confidentiality will be ensured. Study Design This is an exploratory survey which will specify the obstructions forestalling older grownups in the Chester country from having equal nutrient and nutrition. The information will be obtained from a assorted method cross-sectional attack. The participants will first finish a self-report study, followed by a more prodding interview in order to derive more cognition on this subject. The study is the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale ( HFIAS ) for Measurement of Food Access is obtained from the United States Agency for International Development ( USAID ) . Measurement/Instrumentation For the intent of this survey, hungriness will be defined as holding â€Å" limited or unsure handiness of nutritionally equal and safe nutrients or limited or unsure ability to get acceptable nutrients in socially acceptable ways †( Anderson, 1990, p. 1598 ) . Lack of mobility will include troubles traveling because of hapless articulations, arthritis, and other age-related troubles, every bit good as deficiency of a auto, or any other agencies of transit to the food market shop. Low fiscal position will be defined as the inability to decently supply alimentary nutrient, along with other necessities, for oneself and others in the place. The nutrient security study, Household Food Insecurity Access Scale ( HFIAS ) for Measurement of Food Access, will inquire each participant to self-report about their experiences and behaviours that indicate nutrient insecurity, â€Å" such as being unable, at times, to afford balanced repasts, cutting the size of repasts because of excessively small money for nutrient, or being hungry because of excessively small money for nutrient †( Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, FANTA, 2008 ) . The HFIAS â€Å" is based on the 18-question U.S. Household Food Security Survey Module ( US HFSSM ) , which asks respondents to depict behaviours and attitudes that relate to the â€Å" spheres †, of the nutrient insecurity experience †( FANTA, 2008 ) . These spheres include: â€Å" 1 ) anxiousness and uncertainness about the family nutrient supple, 2 ) insufficient quality ( includes assortment and penchants of the type of nutrient ) , and 3 ) insufficient nutri ent consumption and its physical effects †( FANTA, 2008 ) . The inquiries are designed to be added to a standard baseline and concluding rating study. The consequences from old surveies empirical analyses showed the bulk of the graduated tables to hold good internal cogency for their informations sets. Similarly, the â€Å" external proof consequences were consistent with our analysis outlooks, but as a following measure we recommend that farther research be carried out to prove the external cogency of the index against extra indexs of nutrient insecurity and expected results of nutrient insecurity. The cogency was tested by proving the â€Å" internal, cross-cultural and external cogency of the HFIAS utilizing empirical informations collected by authoritiess, international and national bureaus in a assortment of states and operational contexts †( FANTA, 2008 ) . Data Collection Procedures The study will be sent out, with anterior warning via a telephone call, to the person ‘s house and if non completed within 30 yearss, will be followed up with another telephone call. The nutrient security position of the person will be assigned based on the figure of food-insecure conditions reported in each of the spheres included. A high mark of nutrient insecurity on this trial will justify an aid plan from the province or local authorities. Other informations will be collected by detecting lodging conditions when with the participant for the in the flesh interview station study. Restriction There are a few possible failings and restrictions of this survey. First, the step of a self-report study is merely every bit accurate as the participant allows it to be ; self-report steps make it easy to be unfaithful when replying inquiries on one ‘s wonts and behaviours and this fact needs to be taken into consideration when analysing the consequences of this survey. In a similar manner, the aged is a population plagued with memory loss. The participants in this survey may non remember the information questioned precisely as it happened or describe the information right because of memory loss. The aged population besides experiences feelings of shame and embarrassment when describing they can non supply for themselves making the same consequence as the following two issues-inaccurate coverage. Significance OF THE STUDY As stated in the literature reappraisal, much of the bing research is really much so out-of-date. In an attempt to spread out upon the research and concentrate more on smaller populations whose hungriness is a concern, this survey will concentrate chiefly on the Afro-american older grownup population of Chester, PA. The survey is important because, as stated before, â€Å" authoritiess and international and national bureaus implementing nutrient and nutrition plans need information on the population ‘s nutrient insecurity to inform determination devising, proctor alteration and measure impact †( FANTA, 2008 ) . The deductions of these findings will help the older African American grownups in this country in achieving equal nutrition which will increase their quality of life and healthy wellbeing. The consequences of these findings will better the wellbeing of the current societal work patterns in this country by get downing groups, a societal service plan and other sign ifiers of societal work in general. Mentions Biros, M. H. , Hoffman, P. L. , & A ; Resch, K. ( 2008 ) . The Prevalence and Perceived Health Consequences of Hunger in Emergency Department Patient Populations. Official Journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 12 ( 4 ) , 310-317. Carlson, S. J. , Andrews, M. S. , & A ; Bickel, G. W. ( 1999 ) . Measuring Food Insecurity and Hunger in the United States: Development. The Journal of Nutrition, 99, 510-516. 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