Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Report On The Novel 1984, By George Orwell Essays - Free Essays
A Report On The Novel 1984, By George Orwell Essays - Free Essays A Report on the novel 1984, by George Orwell The Importance of 1984 1984 was a significant book. Initially, it helped show where socialism was going, and made aversion towards Communism. Prior to this book (and Animal Farm) many individuals thought Communism was something worth being thankful for. The significant standard for the most part impartial about it, however this book truly opened up and demonstrated what an impractical notion it was, on the grounds that it indicated where socialism was going, not a spot where everybody was equivalent, yet a spot that was at one time that and developed into a repulsive extremist government that would never be toppled. Second, I'm uncertain about whether this book could keep going for quite a long time for ages to appreciate. In spite of the fact that I trust it stays a top choice, it was truly ment as a political novel of the twentieth century. It could at present last however, on the off chance that individuals remember about the twentieth century, or something like socialism shows up later on. (what's more , regardless of whether that doesn't occur, it will presumably still be loved on the grounds that it's only a decent book) Also, it would be amusing if something sim! ilar to newspeak happens, English is overlooked and this book would be unreadible. Third, I think this shows an intriguing representation of human life. It's actual, the high society consistently attempts to remain upper, the white collar class attempts to join the privileged, and the lower class needs everybody to be equivalent. Forward, I figure this book would go awesome in an arrangement. I don't mean precisely spin-offs, however the universe of 1984, a progression of books that shows Big Brother's ascent to power, and who he truly is, anecdotes about Eastasia and Eurasia, what's happening in the Inner Party, a visit to where the telescreens are checked, et cerera (incidentally, I think there may be a spin-off, I don't know. I saw a book that should be comparable, just it's in the year 2000 and composed by an alternate writer, and it was written over the most recent two years) Well, I trusted I demonstrated why 1984 is my preferred book, I presume. Rundown of 1984 This story happens in London, Airstrip One, officially called England, before it got together with North America, South America and some little European nations to frame Oceania, which depends on the Ingsoc (English Socialism) political structure, which comprises of Big Brother, the Inner Party, the Outer Party, and the proles. Older sibling is the puzzling tip top authoritarian pioneer, whom the Outer Party reveres. Just his voice is heard on the telescreen (a two heading broadcasting TV, utilized for continually siphoning publicity into individuals while observing them at the same time), and an image of him is posted on the dividers. Nobody knows where he dwells, and nobody comprehends what his genuine name is. At that point there's the world class, the Inner Party. They're high society, and their principle center is to keep the white collar class (the Outer Party) and the lower class (the proles) in line, and keep them from getting to their status or beginning insurgencies or something. They get the Outer Party in line by getting them to cherish Big Brother, tormenting them, and continually siphoning their heads with purposeful publicity. They get the proles in line by keeping them oblivious, by giving them amusement and such to keep them glad, and keep them uninformed about the misery and shamefulness going on. In the event that the proles wished in this way, they could without much of a stretch oust the gathering. The book's principle character is named Winston Smith, and he's from Airstrip One. He works at the Ministry of Truth, a spot where publicity is made, and media is changed and altered. Winston's activity is altering old duplicates of The Times, which is the paper in London. Winston had been an idea criminal, which is somebody who thought against Big Brother or the foundation, even somewhat. Winston purchased a journal, and stated DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER in it, as sort of an approach to communicate and his insubordination on paper. Before long, Winston engages in extramarital relations with a ladies named Julia. They defy Big Brother by adoring one another, and engaging in sexual relations. Love and sex are against Big Brother since they occupy love and vitality away from him. Winston
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Alcohol Abuse in Russia Free Essays
string(65) costs and the paces of vicious passings expanded substantially. Joe Bloe Professor I. B Smart BS 131 December XX, 2008 Alcohol Abuse in Russia Family Issues Russians drink more liquor than some other country on the planet. (Halpin, 2007, p1) The Times of London reports that Russians are presently going on a heavy drinker gorge even by Russian norms. We will compose a custom paper test on Liquor Abuse in Russia or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now As indicated by the country’s boss general wellbeing official, Gennadi Onishenko, Russians are drinking about three fold the amount of as they completed sixteen years prior. Onishenko’s study was proclaimed by what could be compared to the customer security organization and it announced that at any rate 2. million individuals in Russia were heavy drinkers. The normal Russian devoured 15 liters (26 pints) of unadulterated liquor per annum, up from 5. 4 liters in 1990, and this marvels is accused for an increasing pace of mortality among men. This analyzes to 8. 4 liters for individuals in the United States and 7. 6 liters in Japan. (Halpin, 2007 p 1) Violent wrongdoing and liquor utilization have expanded all through the Russian alliance since the fall of the Soviet Union. This has indicated hurtful ramifications for families and networks, as substantial liquor drinking is firmly connected with brutal conduct in Russia.The relationship between's overwhelming drinking and viciousness is a confounded blend of physiological, mental, situational, social and social components. At whatever point measures to control liquor creation and utilization have been presented, diminished brutality has happened in Russia and somewhere else. (WHO, 2006) Violence is a family’s most exceedingly awful adversary and may incorporate physical and rapes, mental or psychological mistreatment and disregard. It might likewise be sorted into relational savagery, kid abuse or disregard, private accomplice viciousness inside a relationship, sexual brutality, maltreatment of the older or self-coordinated brutality in cluding self destruction. WHO, 2006) There is adequate proof to help the connection between substantial drinking and savagery. In Russia, liquor has been engaged with seventy five percent of murder captures. Families frequently endure the worst part of the viciousness that exudes from overwhelming drinking. In the Central Black-Earth Region of Russia, an examination indicated that 77% of brutal violations against relatives included drinking with 35% of these consumers gorging each day. Among male culprits of spousal murder, 60â€75% of guilty parties had been drinking before the occurrence. (WHO, 2006)Alcohol maltreatment influences physical and psychological working bringing about decreased discretion and the capacity to process approaching data. This makes consumers increasingly adept to fall back on brutality to determine clashes. (Rand Corp. , 2002) Heavy drinking can weaken parents’ duties toward themselves and their kids. Drinking additionally diminishes the measure of time and cash spent on their kids, frequently disregarding the children’s essential needs. Liquor maltreatment by either the parent or the youngster builds the child’s helplessness to sexual abuse.Sometimes kids are made to drink liquor to encourage sexual acts or include them in kid sex entertainment. (WHO, 2006) Alcohol maltreatment during pregnancy can bring about youngsters being brought into the world with fetal liquor condition just as medical problems for the mother. Extreme savoring a relationship can make issues with funds, childcare, treachery or different stressors prompting conceivably rough circumstances. (WHO, 2006) Health Issues Russians are experiencing an issue with segment maintenance and a declining populace base.Alcoholism is a main source in increasing Russian death rates, especially among guys. Liquor adds to unexpected losses including mishaps, wounds and brutality especially among guys. Male death rates fell strongly during Gorbachev’s hostile to liquor crusade of 1984 to 1987. This exertion discounted state liquor creation, raised costs for alcohol, ordered alcoholic medications where required and taken action against custom made alcohol. The program was exceptionally disagreeable and deserted, after which both utilization of liquor and death rates for guys expanded drastically by and by. Rand Corp. , 2002) Russia’s populace has dropped from 145 million of every 2002 to 140,702,000 in July of 2008. The birth rate is somewhat higher at 11. 3 births for each 1,000; up from 9. 1 for each 1,00 of every 2002. Male future is just 59 years and for females it is 73 years. (Fitzgerald, 2003, CIA 2008) Statistics for youngsters are not empowering. In 2003, the quantity of solid youngsters in Russia dropped from 45. 5 percent to 33. 9 percent more than ten years, and the quantity of crippled kids multiplied, as per the study of disease transmission segment of the Health Ministry.According to data assembled structure the 2002 registration, 33% of Russian youngsters are conceived without any father present. (Fitzgerald, 2003) The Russian Ministry of Health didn't censure alcoholic guardians for unsatisfactory wellbeing conditions or the typical offenders of medication misuse, or smoking and eating low quality nourishment yet accused an expansion in the school remaining task at hand and less time for open air work out. The Ministry asserted that a fantastic 75% of youngsters were said to have hypertension and related issues in the 2003 examination of Russian wellbeing. (Fitzgerald, 2003)Beer is viewed in numerous territories as though it were soft drink. Youngsters as youthful as 13 routinely savor lager open in certain territories and the national lawful drinking age is at present 18 years. Vodka has customarily been accessible about wherever to almost everyone in Russia and youngsters have no issue discovering it. As in America and somewhere else, substantial liquor utilization in Russia blocks a family’s prosperity in a large group of risky ways. Also, Russians drink more liquor per capita than some other national populace on the planet. (Halpin, 2007)Gorbachev’s endeavor to restrain liquor maltreatment In 1985 President Gorbachev, who was then leader of the USSR, started a battle to restrict liquor maltreatment by raising the lawful drinking age to 21 years and forcing extreme legitimate authorizes on home creation of liquor. (Today, the drinking age is 18 years. ) During the time of 1984 through 1987 when the battle was running, state deals of liquor diminished by 61%. Factually, the exertion was fruitful in that complete vicious passings dropped 33% and liquor related fierce passings dropped by 51%. The program was not well known with people in general, be that as it may, and was deserted in 1987. By 1992, showcase changes for liquor were founded that changed exchange and dropped costs and the paces of savage passings expanded considerably. You read Liquor Abuse in Russia in classification Papers (WHO, 2006) These rising figures are dependent upon understanding since this was the period of perestroika in Russia and increments in vicious passings can't be exclusively credited to increments in liquor accessibility and utilization. The worldly relationships between's the crackdown on liquor and the drops in viciousness demonstrate that they are interconnected.Perestroika and glasnost were acquainted with Russian culture because of President Gorbachev’s activities toward political change and good recuperation. A foundation of his arrangement was a decrease in drinking which he considered not to be as a medical issue yet a reason for monetary wastefulness. (McKee, 1999) He emb raced a graceless way to deal with restricting liquor creation, conveyance and use. All state offices were requested to create departmental methodologies to chop down liquor utilization. Liquor was restricted at legitimate capacities and gathering authorities who drank vigorously were excused from their jobs.Liquor outlets were significantly diminished and the media changed its disposition to one of prejudice for liquor and associations like the All-Union Voluntary Society for the Struggle for Sobriety jumped up. This affiliation asserted 12 million individuals one year in the wake of sorting out. (McKee, 1999) Within a couple of years, as the Soviet Union was falling, the battle wavered and was in the end supplanted by a quick ascent in utilization, driven by far reaching unlawful creation of hand crafted liquor on a gigantic, national scale. Monetary IssuesRussia’s financial exchanges have lost around 70 percent of their incentive since tops in May, and laborers have been hard hit by lay-offs and wage overdue debts. The lukewarm worldwide economy has left R ussians harming and they, as the greater part of the world, have needed to decrease costs. The outcome is less state-endorsed vodka being sold and an expansion in hand crafted spirits. Research by the National Alcohol Association indicated that passings from liquor harming expanded to 1,458 in September, apparently the consequence of Russians drinking hazardous substitutes for vodka as a less expensive approach to become inebriated. (Shuster, 2008)During Gorbachev’s against liquor battle, the creation of samogon (custom made spirits) had become a huge scope industry that gave modest liquor to Russians while denying the condition of assessment income. At the point when limitations were facilitated in 1988, liquor utilization immediately surpassed the pre-1985 level. A Russian report done in 1995 uncovered that standard tipsiness influenced somewhere in the range of 25 and 65 percent of hands on laborers and 21 percent of cubicle laborers, especially in provincial zones. (Coutsoukis, 2005) Unemployed specialists are especially defenseless against liquor misuse problem s.Being accessible in many spots, day or night and being generally modest individuals without occupations will in general beverage all the more frequently and heavier. At the point when vodka is inaccessible or excessively costly, they will regularly depend on risky substitutes. In 1994, the quantity of individuals who kicked the bucket of liquor harming rose to around 53,000, a significant increment from 36,000 of every 1991. These are normally the aftereffect of drinking natively constructed liquor substitutes. Bootlegging had become an across the board crime by the mid 1990s. (
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Medications for Anxiety Disorders
Medications for Anxiety Disorders Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Print Medications for Anxiety Disorders The Four Major Classes of Anxiety Medications By Leonard Holmes Updated on May 14, 2018 BSIP/UIG/Getty Images More in Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Social Skills Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Work and School Related Conditions If you have an anxiety disorder, this sometimes helpful emotion can keep you from coping and may even disrupt your daily life. Anxiety disorders are more than just a case of nerves. They are illnesses, often related to the biological makeup and life experiences of the individual, and they frequently run in families. Fortunately, there are a number of medications available to treat the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders Generally, symptoms prominent in anxiety disorders include irritability, uneasiness, jumpiness, feelings of apprehension, rapid or irregular heartbeat, stomachache or nausea, faintness and/or breathing problems. These symptoms vary depending on the person and the diagnosed anxiety disorder. Types of Anxiety Disorders There are a number of anxiety disorders, each with its own distinct features and symptoms. The most common are generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD). panic disorder, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Medications Used to Treat Anxiety Disorders Using medications for anxiety disorder is considered safe and effective and may even be particularly helpful when used along with psychotherapy. There are four major classes of medications that mental health professionals use to treat anxiety disorders: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), benzodiazepines and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors work by causing more serotonin to be available in the brain, which improves your mood. SSRIs like Prozac (fluoxetine), Luvox (fluvoxamine), Paxil (paroxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline) are good choices for any type of anxiety disorder. In general, side effects can include weight gain, sleeping difficulties (too much or too little) and sexual dysfunction. Many side effects go away within a couple weeks of beginning the medication, however, so give your body time to adjust. Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors work similarly to SSRIs in that they cause the level of serotonin, as well as norepinephrine, to be higher in the brain. Examples are Cymbalta (duloxetine), Effexor (venlafaxine) and Pristiq (desvenlafaxine). SNRIs are considered just as effective as SSRIs, especially for generalized anxiety disorder. Side effects may include headaches, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, upset stomach and increased blood pressure. Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines, or sedatives, are usually used for a short period of time to help you relax and get rid of muscle tension and other physical symptoms that may come with anxiety. Common benzodiazepines include Klonopin (clonazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Valium (diazepam), and Ativan (lorazepam). Benzodiazepines can generally relieve symptoms within a short time. Different people respond differently to benzodiazepines. Some people may need to take them two or three times a day, and others only once a day, or on an as-needed basis. The dose is generally started at a low level and gradually raised until symptoms are diminished or removed. The dose will vary a great deal depending on the symptoms and your body chemistry. Benzodiazepines are sometimes given on an as-needed basis just for stressful situations or anxiety attacks. Use Caution With Benzodiazepines Long-term use of benzodiazepines is not recommended because you can develop tolerance and/or dependence. Tolerance means that you need to take more of the medication in order for it to work. Dependence means that you develop withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking the medication. Some people abuse these medications in order to get high. Longer-acting medications such as Klonopin or Valium may produce milder withdrawal symptoms than short-acting medications like Xanax and Ativan. You should abstain from alcohol when taking benzodiazepines because the interaction between benzodiazepines and alcohol can lead to serious and possibly life-threatening complications. Be sure to tell your doctor about other medications you are taking. Be sure to talk with the doctor before discontinuing a benzodiazepine. A withdrawal reaction may occur if the treatment is stopped abruptly. Withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, shakiness, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and/or seizures. Ironically, many of these symptoms are similar to the anxiety symptoms that you may have sought treatment for. To avoid these symptoms your doctor will probably taper your medication dose gradually. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) The last class of medications used for anxiety is tricyclic antidepressants. Because these medications were some of the first antidepressants developed, they can have severe side effects, including blurry vision, dry mouth, constipation, blood pressure drop when standing up and urinary difficulties. Examples of TCAs are Elavil (amitriptyline), Tofranil (imipramine) and (Pamelor) nortriptyline. Be sure to take your medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If you are having serious side effects, consult your doctor, but do not stop your medication without your doctors approval as this can cause serious health issues.
Friday, May 22, 2020
All Quiet On The Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque
In regards to war, famous pacifist revolutionary, Mohandas Gandhi, had suggested that wars are instigated for reasonable intentions, but the short-lived outcome is not worth war’s deplorable and irreversible effects. A historical example supporting Gandhi’s belief is World War I, which was fought between the Central Powers and Allies and infamous for its devastating repercussions and savage warfare that occurred from 1914 to 1918. In his historical fiction novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque describes the traumatic and deadly war conditions of WWI from the perspective of a German soldier named Paul Baumer, who provides readers with firsthand insight on war’s atrocious nature. Nonetheless, war’s violence did not deter nations and soldiers from partaking in World War I for nationalistic and social elevation reasons, in spite of its inevitable detriments to human mentality and nature, as well as its substantial economic damages on nati ons. Prior to and during World War I, nations and soldiers were compelled to join the war to gain nationalistic pride and elevation of social status, as both parties desired to gain superiority over others. To begin, nationalism is defined as having pride and loyalty toward one’s culture, ethnicity, and subsequently, one’s country. Historian John Keegan noted the development of a nationalistic feud in Europe that began with Germany, who resented Britain and France for having colonized a vast amount of territories. InShow MoreRelatedAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1714 Words  | 7 PagesAll Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque is a narrative describing World War I from a German soldier s perspective. The story is narrated by Paul Baà ¼mer and predominantly revolves around the experiences of him and his comrades Kemmerich, Katczinsky, Kropp, Mà ¼ller, and Leer. The novel begins with Paul Baà ¼mer and his friends in a che erful mood as extra rations are being allocated to them due to the missing soldiers. During this event, Baà ¼mer introduces and describes the variousRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1469 Words  | 6 Pagesjoy and happiness in life. Through the experiences that the soldiers encounter, their humanity is compromised. Thus, as war strips soldiers of their innocence, they start to become disconnected from themselves and others. In All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque illustrates the negative effects war has on a soldier’s humanity, through his use of Paul’s books and the potato pancakes by revealing the soldiers loss of emotion that causes them to become detached from society. Through theseRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque732 Words  | 3 Pageshistory, war between man has been nearly inevitable. The impact of war has always been devastating on all aspects. However, loss in war is mostly se en within the loss of land, wealth and the numbers of lives lost. There are few accounts of the true losses felt from war, the loss felt by the survivors and the true cost of human life. In the excerpt from All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, illustrates the impact on human life and question what the cost of human life was impacted. WhileRead MoreAll Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque800 Words  | 3 Pages All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque was the war novel that changed what ‘war novel’ meant. No longer would war be a fantasy for the growing generation, but a real-life death trap. World War I came with many innovations to warfare: machine guns, poison gases, trench-style warfare. While these technologies were supposed to improve warfare, it made war longer with more casualties. In All Quiet on the Western Front war is not looked up to, it is looked down upon from the perspectiveRead MoreAll Quiet On The Weste rn Front By Erich Maria Remarque2100 Words  | 9 Pagesthoughts, feelings and experiences. All Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque, which takes World War I as background, is the great war novel which talks about the German soldiers extreme physical and mental stress during the war, and the hopeless of these soldiers about the â€Å"future†– the time the war would have ended. All Quiet on the Western Front is narrated by Paul Bà ¤umer, a twenty-years-old German soldier who fights in the French front in World War I. Paul and his classmatesRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1292 Words  | 6 PagesGermany flourished on the nationalism in the early 1900’s of its people. Ready to encounter an attack at any moment and any time. People forget the decision of war until they are in the flame of its fire. In the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque explains his experience of the war in World War 1 through a character Paul Bumer. Bumer was a kind and sensitive man. Back in school he used to write poets. Pual’s Bumer teacher brainwashed him and other students who where his classmatesRead MoreAll Quiet And The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1249 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"We are forlorn like children, and experienced like old men, we are crude and sorrowful and superï ¬ cial, I believe we are lost†(Remarque 123). World War I is a tragic event that occurred in 1914 to 1918. Paul Baumer and the rest of the soldiers in the novel of â€Å"All Quiet in the Western Front†by Erich Maria Remarque are lost; they are broken from the fist World War, they don’t know anything aside from War, and they have lost their innocence during the years of maturation. When the young men heardRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1482 Words  | 6 PagesThe novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is a tale about a group of young gentlemen in Germany who decide to join the army, and fight in World War I for their country. The boys become interested in fighting for their country after their schoolmaster informs them about the importance of this war. With much excitement, the young men have high expectations of what they want the war to be like. Throughout the course of the novel, the attitudes and opinions of the boys chan ge asRead MoreAll Is Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1051 Words  | 5 PagesNathan Brown Quarter 2 Book Report American History My second quarter book was called â€Å"All is Quiet on the Western Front†by Erich Maria Remarque. This book as about a man named, Paul Baumer who is fighting for Germany in World War 1. He and a bunch of his friends from high school join an army voluntarily. They heard their teacher (Kantorek) in class giving patriotic speeches. After joining the army, Paul and his friends soon come to a conclusion that joining the army was not what they thought itRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1222 Words  | 5 PagesSelf-Learning Lessons There is no doubt that when war occurs, every single human being is affected by it even if it is just a little. In the novel, â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front†written by Erich Maria Remarque, a group of teenage men, who also appear to by classmates, are in the German army of World War I because they have chosen to leave their adolescence at home and school for grown up work at the army. Throughout this fictional novel, they face many challenges that result in them not seeing
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Movie Noah Directed By Darren Aronofsky - 2152 Words
The movie Noah directed by Darren Aronofsky is advertised as a representation of the biblical story of Noah and the flood. After watching this movie and reading the story in the Bible, it is evident that there are some differences between the film and the story in God’s book. The film does not only use the Bible as a point of reference, but other historical books as well. The Epic of Gilgamesh or The Book of Enoch potentially influenced the production of the movie. Aronofsky’s interest in these sources is understandable as he is an atheist and most likely did not want to rely on biblical text alone. The story of the flood is well known throughout the world and it has affected many people groups. There are many accounts written on the story because of this reason. The Bible has a written account of this story in Genesis, the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Enoch do as well. The biblical account of Noah is the true, real story that was written by God. If one compares the film to the Bible there are many differences and similarities between the two mediums. Some of the similarities are evident, and some are more difficult to uncover. The Book of Enoch explains that Noah’s grandfather is Methuselah. This is shown in the movie, but is not as prominent in the biblical version, however it is still said. Knowing this information, gives the viewer and reader a reference point of where Noah originally came from. One very noticeable parallel is how Noah and his wife were blessed
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cost Analysis Free Essays
string(90) " cost analysis in order to illustrate to the reader the meaning of cost-benefit analysis\." Table of content Introduction: Financing decisions and investment decisions are considered to be two of the most vital decisions that corporations have to take. Cost analysis is one of the factors that should be taken into consideration while evaluating financial and investment decisions. This paper reviews the concept of cost analysis, how it is used in decision making, and how firms usually involve cost analysis in evaluating different projects. We will write a custom essay sample on Cost Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Furthermore, the paper discusses some of the main concepts that are derived from cost analysis such as cost allocation, cost-effectiveness analysis, and cost-benefit analysis. In addition, some of the advantages and disadvantages of cost analysis will be discussed. Moreover, the concept of intangible cost analysis will be introduced. Then, the results and findings of the research paper will be illustrated. Finally, few recommendations that are based on the results and findings will be made. Literature Review: Due to its high importance in the decision making process, cost analysis has been discussed in many books by several authors who illustrated different aspects of cost analysis. In his book â€Å"cost-benefit analysis,†E. J. Mishan discussed in depth the concept of cost-benefit analysis, which is a form of cost analysis. Professor Mishan focused on some of the key concepts that are related to cost-benefit analysis. The author started his book with few examples of cost analysis in order to illustrate to the reader the meaning of cost-benefit analysis. You read "Cost Analysis" in category "Papers" Then, Mr. Mishan illustrated the economical aspect of cost-benefit analysis and showed how opportunity cost could be related to cost-benefit analysis. Furthermore, Mr. Mishan tried to show how cost-benefit analysis is limited and can be used partially in the decision making process. A notable section of Mr. Mishan’s book is certainty equivalence. In this section, the author developed an assumption that â€Å"enables us formally to rank a number of alternative uncertain benefits without first reducing each to a certainty equivalent. In his article â€Å"Ways to Deliver More for Less,†Harry E. Roberts, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Boscov’s Department Stores, discussed how cost analysis can be used to reduce IT spending. Mr. Roberts discussed how the IT budgeting has changed over time. The author suggested ways to enable Information Technology, which is a cost center rather than a profit center, to â€Å"deliver more than what is expected and at a lower cost than what was budgeted. †Then, Mr. Roberts suggested that a revision for different costs, such as variable costs, fixed costs, and payroll costs, should be made. The author concluded his research by emphasizing on the fact that â€Å"every dollar invested on a cost item must deliver as much value to the business as its highest-margin product or service. †Cost Analysis: Definition According to The U. S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, cost analysis can be defined as â€Å"the process of obtaining cost breakdowns, verifying cost data, evaluating specific elements of costs and examining data to determine necessity, reasonableness, and appropriateness of the costs. Both financing and investment decisions are highly affected by cost analysis as corporations usually pay a great deal of attention to the different types of costs that are involved in the different projects that will be taken into consideration either to raise funds or to invest surplus funds that a corporation has. Sometimes cost analysis is perceived as a tool that is used only to reduce costs. In contrast to this point of view, cost analysis is believe d to be a tool that helps management to choose the best possible solution or project among many different alternatives. In their article â€Å"â€Å"Using Cost Analysis In Evaluation,†Meg Sewell and Mary Marczak believe that cost analysis methods and uses are â€Å"complex, require very sophisticated technical skills and training in methodology and in principles of economics, and should not be taken lightly. †Three Types of Cost Analysis: Three of the main concepts that are derived from cost analysis are cost allocation, cost-effectiveness analysis, and cost-benefit analysis. These three methods are usually used simultaneously in order for corporations to evaluate different decisions or projects. Some of these methods might seem simple and easy to use; however, they should never be ignored or taken slightly as they can be of great benefit in determining the right decisions. Cost Allocation: Cost allocation is the simplest among the three concepts that were mentioned earlier. Sewell and Marczak stated that cost allocation refers to â€Å"setting up budgeting and accounting systems in a way that allows program managers to determine a unit cost or cost per unit of service. Furthermore, Sewell and Marczak illustrated that in many corporations, cost allocation is used to provide â€Å"some of the basic information needed to conduct more ambitious cost analyses such as cost-benefit analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis. †Therefore, it can be concluded that cost allocation is a prerequisite to both cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. Example: The following table shows the monthly cost allocation for 3 different projects It is important to note that firm s usually allocate their costs based on previous experience and estimation. However, firms should expect costs to change, which can be due to financial crises, inflation, or other factors, and try to adapt their cost allocation systems in such a way that it will handle the new changes. Based on the costing method that the company uses, such as activity-based costing, a more detailed cost allocation system can be structured in order to determine the unit cost as precisely as possible Once costs have been identified and allocated, more advanced cost analysis methods, such as cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis, are used. Cost-effectiveness Analysis: According to Sewell and Marczak, the concept of cost-effectiveness analysis holds that â€Å"a certain benefit or outcome is desired, and that there are several alternative ways to achieve it. †However, cost-effectiveness analysis should not be used separately during the process of evaluating projects or decisions as it will favor the cheapest option. Instead, cost-effectiveness analysis should be used along with cost allocation and cost-benefit analysis in order to provide more precise and more informative outcomes. It is important to mention that cost-effectiveness is a comparative tool that compares the cost of separate projects and favors the least expensive one. If we only used cost-effectiveness to decide which machine to buy, machine 1 will be favored by cost-effectiveness since it will generate products cheaper than machine 2. However, this is not necessarily the correct decision since cost-effectiveness analysis fails to take into consideration certain criteria such as the time each machine requires to generate the product and the quality of the generated products. Cost-benefit Analysis: According to smbtn. com, cost-benefit analysis can be best described as â€Å"An analysis tool that measures the results or benefits of a decision compared with the required costs. †Cost-benefit analysis is perceived as a powerful tool that management usually use whenever a â€Å"buy-or-build†decision needs to be taken. Buy-or-build decisions are usually taken when a firm faces a situation where it has two options: (1) To buy or outsource a certain part of its business (2) To internally manufacture or perform a certain part of its business. Cost-benefit analysis can assist in taking buy-or-build decisions as it will illustrate the benefits and costs that are expected if buy decision or build decision is taken. Cost-benefit analysis consists of several tools, such as benefit-to-costs ratio, that are used to analyze and compare benefits and costs that are involved in a certain project. According to Sewell and Marczak, benefit-to-costs ratio is â€Å"the total monetary cost of the benefits or outcomes divided by the total monetary costs of obtaining them. Despite the fact the cost-benefit seems to be the most powerful tool to analyze costs and taking cost related decisions, it should be used along with other tools such as cost-effectiveness analysis and cost allocation. Using cost-benefit analysis separately from other tools can result in misleading decisions that can cost management dearly. If the benefits-to-costs ratio is greater than 1, then the project should be analyzed further, compared to other projects and taken into consideration as a potential project that the firm can invest in or use to raise funds. Advantages of Cost Analysis: Cost analysis can be of great help for management as it can be used as a tool in the decision making process. Some of the most important advantages of cost analysis are: Cost analysis can clarify all costs that are involved in a certain project. Cost analysis will draw attention to costs that may not be obvious at first. Consequently, allowing managers to take more precise financing or investment decisions. Cost analysis can help management prioritize tasks and processes when budgets are limited. It is believed that managers can distribute budgets more effectively when all costs are identified; therefore, it will be possible to get the most out of available resources. Disadvantages of cost analysis: On the other hand, cost analysis is not always sufficient by its own for management to make decisions. Some of the facts that cost analysis cannot provide information about are: _As Sewell and Marczak mentioned, cost analysis cannot always tell â€Å"whether the least expensive alternative is always the best alternative. _†Cost analysis by its own is not always enough to determine the best alternative. Usually, other criteria that cannot be determined by cost analysis, such as time, have an effect on the decision making process. Cost analysis is very complex and requires great deal of skills and expertise. Cost analysis requires not only background in finance and accounting, but also economic and decision making skills. It is common nowadays for organizations to outsource cost analysis if it cannot be done effectively in-house. According to _Sewell and Marczak, â€Å"sometimes costs and monetary values are considered less important than other, more intangible values or program outcomes. †Intangible cost analysis: Despite the fact that corporations frequently use cost analysis in evaluating the different decisions that have to be made, intangible cost analysis is not always taken into consideration. In his book â€Å"Intangible Management: Tools for Solving the Accounting and Management Crisis,†Ken Stanfield described intangible cost analysis as set of processes that â€Å"[allow] executives to identify, measure, and reduce costs that the organization has always been aware of, but has not been able to previously measure and control. Intangible cost analysis allows corporations to increase efficiency and productivity as well as decrease costs. According to Stanfield, in contrast to old cost analysis methods where tangible costs were the most important selection criteria, modern cost analysis methods favors alternatives, decisions, or projects â€Å"with the lowest total real cost (tangible costs + intangible costs). †Some of the intangible costs that should be taken into consideration are knowledge costs, time costs, and relationship management costs. Many organizations started to take intangible costs more seriously and established departments that are dedicated to deal with such costs such as knowledge management department. Intangible cost analysis is more complex than tangible cost analysis due to the fact that it depends on estimation skills and past experience. Therefore, possessing intangible cost analysis skills can be considered as a competitive advantage as it will result in better cost management and lower incurred costs. Results and Findings: Cost analysis is one of the most sophisticated concepts in business, and many economists wrote several books about it. The following points illustrate the results and findings of the research paper: Cost analysis consists of multiple tools and techniques that are usually used simultaneously to reach the best decision possible. Cost analysis not only allows firms to find ways to reduce costs, but it also suggests methods that can be applied to turn a cost center into profit center. It is vital for decision makers to be aware that cost analysis consists of tools that can estimate costs, which might differ from costs that will be incurred in reality. Intangible cost analysis should not be taken slightly as it has a great affect on the business of any company, especially on the long run. Cost analysis fails to take into consideration some factors such as time and quality Cost analysis needs advanced skills and is considered to be a competitive advantage for firms that have employees specialized in it. Recommendations and Conclusion: Using multiple cost analysis tools, which is due to the fact that the use of only one or few tools will result in misleading decisions Pay great attention to intangible cost analysis as it can make the difference between success and failure. Take into consideration factors that cannot be quantified and analyzed such as time and quality. Due to the fact that cost analysis has become a vital part of the decision making process, firms have to ensure that they possess the required cost analysis skills or outsource to specialized cost analysis firms. In conclusion, it is vital to emphasize on the fact that cost analysis is just one tool that can be used in the decision making process. Financing decisions and investments decisions are so critical that many tools and selection criteria have to be used while analyzing and evaluating these decisions. Nowadays, the world is facing a financial crisis that is affecting all companies; consequently, firms are starting to analyze costs to determine how best to protect themselves. Bibliography Mishan, E. J. Cost Benefit Analysis: An Informal Introduction, 1982. Ramji, Al-Noor, Linda Reino, Harry E. Roberts, eds. , Inside The Minds: Ways To Reduce It Spending : Leading Executives On Managing Costs, Negotiating Pricing Reducing Overall Technology Expenditures. United States of America: Aspatore, 2004. Sewell, Meg and Mary Marczak. Using Cost Analysis In Evaluation. The University of Arizona; available from http://ag. arizona. edu/fcs/cyfernet/cyfar/Costben2. htm; Internet; accessed 1 November 2008. Stanfield, Ken. Intangible Management: Tools for Solving the Accounting and Management Crisis. Academic Press; 1st edition (July 1, 2002). The U. S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement: Federal Assistance Manual. Washington, D. C. , 1998; available from http://www. osmre. gov/fam/defin. htm; Internet; accessed 16 November 2008. How to cite Cost Analysis, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Public debt Essay Example
Public debt Essay Investigating the relationship between public debt and economic growth the case of Portugal Investigating the relationship between public debt and economic growth CAMPUS. The case of Portugal 11,499. The Implications of public obligation on economic growth are very Important to be researched as background to economic policies of a country. A country partly based on the comprehension of the relationship between public debt and economic growth to identify countries situation and draw specific plan to run a sound public debt policy for economic development. Therefore, a research into factors in which the amount of public debt affects the determinants of economic growth is necessary for a country to find out the situation of public debt and how to maintain its sound level to promote the economy. This research uses regression analysis model to examine the relationship between economic growth and public debt in case of Portugal with respect to factors such as investment and monetary policies. In which, Investment Is represented by foreign investment and domestic capital meanwhile, monetary policies are indicated by Inflation rate. With respect to research methodology, the research conducts literature review regarding both theoretical and emplace background and uses secondary data as data collection method and quantitative method as the research method. The process of data collection is implemented through data gathered from the official resources of WEB and COED including real GAP, public debt, inflow FED, inflation rate and annual capital growth in Portugal for the period 1992 to 2002. We will write a custom essay sample on Public debt specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Public debt specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Public debt specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer After conducting data analysis and regression analysis, the research findings shows that four variables namely public debt, foreign direct investment, monetary policy and investment have influences on economic growth demonstrated through GAP indicator. In the case of Portugal, public debt and foreign direct investment have positive relationship with GAP, while monetary policy and investment have negative Influence in GAP. Among those variables, public debt Is the most significant predictor at 32 level of significance. After findings, analysis and discussion, the research also comes to an end with several recommendations for Portugal based on the research findings on he Portugal case as well as some implications for further researches. First and foremost, my appreciation goes to all those who offer such a golden opportunity to conduct this graduation paper. I would like to thank () for giving me permission to implement the paper. I owe a debt of gratitude to my supervisor, 0, (. ). Without her/his enthusiastic guidance, persistent help and valuable encouragement, this paper would not have been possible.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Palliative Care Nursing Practice - case study
Palliative Care Nursing Practice - case study IntroductionThis assignment is aimed at demonstrating how the author understands the concepts of holistic therapeutic practice in palliative care and how the principles of palliative care are applied in the clinical setting. The author will demonstrate this in the format of a case study. There will be an introduction to palliative care with definitions of therapeutic and holistic care and some discussion around how the principles of palliative care are applied in the clinical setting. The author will then introduce the client chosen for the case study and identify an aspect of their care that is going to be explored and explain the reasoning behind this. Finally there will be an overall conclusion with recommendations made for future practice based on the authors' critique.Definitions of palliative careThe World Health Organisation (2002) stated that the goal of palliative care is to control patient's pain and other symptoms associated with the whole person, being their body, soul an d mind, whilst enabling patient's and their families to maintain a quality of life.English: Dunbar Hospital, Thurso Community Hospita...However there are many definitions from various authors about the principles and philosophy of palliative care but they all relate to the same basis and that is that the philosophy and principles of palliative care is to look after the patient as a whole and not just treat the illness with the main focus being that the patient has the best quality of life possible and is allowed to die with dignity (Kemp, 1995). Faull, Carter and Daniels (2005) and Watson, Lucas, Hoy and Back (2005) define that palliative care is not a substitute for other care but a means to compliment it, therefore ensuring the patient and family gets the optimum care and the best quality of life possible, whilst encompassing the whole person, spiritually and psychologically.Potter and...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
[Infographic] Growth Hacking The Characteristics Of A Content Hacker
[Infographic] Growth Hacking The Characteristics Of A Content Hacker Have you ever heard of growth hacking? Its a marketing technique developed by technology startups that uses creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure. Its a bit scrappy, and completely focused on results. Does that sound familiar? Growth hacking isnt too far off from its counterpart, content marketing, a technique that we all know and love. In fact, its so close that it just might call for an entirely new breed of hacker: The content hacker. Wait, hacking? Cant you go to jail for that? #ContentHacker = A growth-focused content marketer. #growthhacking #infographicListen, if you want your blog to grow, you may want to learn a thing or two from the content hacker. He or she is traffic-obsessed and focused on nothing but growth. This infographic will give you a peek inside their inner inner psyche and help you become your own content hacker. Click on the image below to see a larger view:  The Tweetable Characteristics Of A Content Hacker The #ContentHacker doesn't see product/market fit, he sees content/audience fit #contentmarketing The #ContentHacker eats, sleeps, and drinks blog growth #contentmarketing An opportunistic #ContentHacker turns contacts into connections #contentmarketing Where a #GrowthHacker sees scale, a #ContentHacker sees sustainability #contentmarketing The #ContentHacker eats data and only settles for moving the needle forward #contentmarketing An SEO-minded #ContentHacker has been leveraging the search base since 1991 #contentmarketing Viral growth can be manufactured if you're a real #ContentHacker #contentmarketing
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Health Risks Associated with VOC's and are Alternative Compounds Essay
Health Risks Associated with VOC's and are Alternative Compounds Readily Avaialable in Residential Building Use - Essay Example ompounds are gasoline, formaldehyde, benzene, and solvents such as toluene, xylene and tetra-chloroethylene, which is the main solvent used in drycleaning.(www.toxtown.nlm.nih.gov). Volatile Organic Compounds used in building materials are frequent indoor air pollutants. According to Meininghaus et al (2000), certain materials that are present indoors can function as buffers which may reduce the peak concentrations but prolong the presence of the compounds in the air. A two flow system was used in this study to allow direct observation of mass flow across materials. The results in this study showed that diffusion through materials can reduce the room air concentrations, which can affect ventilation requirements. However, VOC levels in indoor air is an important issue of indoor air pollution because most humans spend an average amount of 90% of their time indoors.(Klepeis et al, 2001). Studies show that concentrations of VOCs are typically higher indoors than outdoors and building characteristics can influence the relevant levels.(Wallace, 2001). VOCs are an important category of indoor and outdoor pollutant, although they do not last as long outside because they are easily broken down by microorganisms and sunlight. However, die to their ubiquitous nature, VOCs from indoor sources such as chloroform, p-dichlorobenzene, d-limonene, ÃŽ ±- and ÃŽ ²-pinene are associated with long term health risks.(Pratt et al 2000; Woodruf et al 1998). While the cumulative risks that accrue from long term exposure to multiple VOCs remains indeterminate, the Eleventh Report on Carcinogens which is published by the National Toxicology program identifies damages to the liver, kidneys and the central system in the long term (www.toxtown.nlm.nih.gov). Studies have also shown that several types of cancers as well as cardiovascular and neurological diseases have been reported as adverse health effects of exposure to VOC, either through inhalation or through the presence of VOC’s in
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Financial efficiency of Oman Airports Management Company in early Essay
Financial efficiency of Oman Airports Management Company in early recruitment of human resource during the transitional period of Muscat International Airport development project - Essay Example ir ground staff, air traffic controllers, air terminal operations staff, aircraft mechanics, cargo specialists, electronics personnel, passenger specialists, ticketing staff, and radar engineers among others (Young & Wells, 2011: p44). The long-term HR strategy should be geared towards the optimal support of the airport’s corporate strategy and their business situation. Additionally, such mega trends as individualization, diversity, demographic changes, education, and health should be taken into account (Loo & Chow, 2011: p1688). These aspects will then feed into the HR strategy that, in turn, will establish fundamental goals for management of HR and measurement packages that it is associated with. Most of these measures should be implemented immediately and fleshed out as the airport’s development is carried out. The targets for the airport’s HR strategy should be increasing efficiency, covering requirements of personnel, improving the airport’s attractiveness as an employer, and the establishment of excellent leadership (Williams, 2013: p56). Once the airport’s development is finished, the HR strategy should move to recruiting individuals with high personal and professional ambition and a passion to give clients world class customer service (svo.aero, 2014: p1). The recruitment process should seek out individuals with efficiency and high performance that will align with the airport’s strategy of exceeding client expectations. The first priority for the airport in their HR recruitment needs should be accommodating client needs, including visitors, passengers, and employees. The behavior and attitude of recruited staff should support their core values, while also handling the opportunities and challenges of working in an international airport. Beria, P., & Scholz, AB. 2010. Strategies and pitfalls in the infrastructure development of airports: A comparison of Milan Malpensa and Berlin Brandenburg International airports. Journal of Air Transport
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Impact Of Ocean Acidification On Marine Life Environmental Sciences Essay
Impact Of Ocean Acidification On Marine Life Environmental Sciences Essay One of the main issues with ocean acidification is the impact that it will have on marine organisms over the coming years, and whether or not they are able to adapt to the more acidic waters? The impact upon some marine species may become more of a problem if they play an important role in the food chain, and therefore may eventually affect humans as fish are the main food source for some communities around the world. Research into ocean acidification has found that certain organisms experience reduced calcification or enhanced dissolution when they are exposed to elevated CO2. Many organisms rely on the oceans current pH in order to survive. The major benthic calcifying organisms on coral reefs are the corals, calcifying macroalgae, benthic foraminifera, molluscs, and echinoderms. Corals typically live in compact colonies of many identical individual polyps. Part of this group includes the reef builders, these are important because as the name suggests, they build the reefs. They secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton and these skeletons can be used as bio-implants for human surgery. A coral reef is a community of many species, such as the corals, plants, invertebrates, fishes, and some other vertebrate animals, such as turtles. The lowering of the oceans pH reduces the ability of coral to produce calcium carbonate and with the conditions expected ocean acidification will compromise carbonate accretion. (Website, 2009) This causes corals to become increasingly rare on reef systems. A large number of species make up tropical coral reefs; however coral communities in cold waters are only made up of one or two species yet provide shelter for many other marine species. (Website, 2009) With ocean acidification reducing the number of coral and as many marine species use the coral as their home and for shelter, the coral reef communities would also be affected and become less diverse and carbonate reef structures will fail to be maintained. (Hoegh-Guldberg, O. et al, 2007) Coccolithophores are single-celled algae, protists and phytoplankton and are found in large numbers throughout the surface euphotic zone of the ocean and ocean acidification seems to have the opposite effect on them compared with other calcifying organsims. (Website, 2010) Coccolithophores are major calcium carbonate (CaCOà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™) producers in the worlds oceans today accounting for about a third of the total marine CaCO3 production. Whereas ocean acidification reduces the calcium carbonate production in many organisms, studies have shown that it actually causes coccolithophores to increase their CaCO3 production. (website, 2005) Coccolithophores are distinguished by calcium carbonate plates which have an uncertain function and are called coccoliths calcareous nanoplankton, and these are important microfossils. (website, 2011) When coccolithophores make these plates they release carbon dioxide. Whereas some believe that because of this coccolithophores will actually contribut e to the rise in COà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡, it is actually unclear of what affect the increase in CaCO3 production will have. This is because these organisms use CO2 during photosynthesis. It is the balance between calcification which produces carbon dioxide and the consumption of CO2 by photosynthesis that will determine whether coccolithophores act as a sink (absorbing CO2) or as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. So the extra CO2 produced may simply be counteracted by the extra photosynthesis. (Website, 2008) An example of how ocean acidification affects certain marine species is the pteropod Limacina helicina. Their shell is made of calcium carbonate; however studies have shown that the shell is developing at a slower rate due to the lowering of pH. It is anticipated that by 2100 the increase of ocean acidification will slow the development of the shell by 30%. (Website, 2009) Aside from calcification, other organisms may suffer from other adverse effects. Such as physiological or reproductive effects or they may be affected by the negative impacts on food resources. An example of a species that is directly affected by ocean acidification on the lugworm Arenicola marina. There is a simple experiment that can be carried out to show how pH affects the lugworm reproduction simply by keeping the lugworms in seawater of different pHs; some at the current seawater pH, 8.2, some at a pH of 7.8 and some at 6.5. The results show (fig. 1) that as the pH lowers the reproduction of the lugworm is affected. The lower the pH gets the less successful fertilization is. If as predicted by 2100 and the pH of the seawater has lowered to 7.8 then the lugworms may struggle to adapt and therefore may decline in number. Brittle stars (Ophiothrix fragilis) may also see a change in their reproduction as they produce fewer larvae, because they are using more energy maintaining their skeletons in more acidic seas. This has a knock on affect as the brittle star larvae are a key food source for herring. It is clear that ocean acidification in time will have an impact on food chains causing problems for many other organisms that are not at first affected by ocean acidification. It is also possible that tiny algae such as Calcidiscus leptoporus will be unable to survive. These very important algae have been declining by 1% each year; some believe ocean acidification could be the cause as the acidity may make certain nutrients that the algae need less available or that it might even promote the growth of bacteria which damages the natural plankton growth cycle. Ocean acidification also affects the navigation and communication of whales and dolphins. This is because the seas are becoming noisier. As the acidi ty increases, sound travels further. Navigation is important to whales and dolphins as they use it for migration, which is important as they migrate to colder waters to feed and to warmer waters to give birth. It is not just the organisms that live in the oceans that are being affected. Marine mammals such as; polar bears, sea lions, seals, and walruses and also seabirds would see a knock on affect due to ocean acidification and the other impacts of climate change. The main issue is the effect ocean acidification has on the food chain because if one organism that is a main part of the food chain declines then the problem continues up the food chain. So if numbers of fish decline from a lack of food, then the birds that feed on the fish could also decline. However unlike many organisms affected by climate change, it has been discovered that seabirds can actually adapt to the changing environments. So the lower availability of their preferred prey may not be a problem as the birds seem capable of modifying their diets. (Grà ©millet, D. 2009) Ocean acidification will have a definite impact on marine life, as many organisms will be affected. The main issue that can be seen is the impact ocean acidification will have on the food chain, as primary producers may decline then so will the organisms that prey on them and so on as the trend continues up the food chain until it reaches the consumer. If ocean acidification continues at its current rate, by 2100 we could see a vast different in ocean ecosystems. Many species may decline as a direct result of ocean acidification, such as the coral reefs due to reduced calcification. The coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on earth; therefore many other organisms would be indirectly affected by ocean acidification with the decline of corals. The coral reefs also play an important role for fisheries and fishing communities in poorer countries, a decline of the coral reefs would see a decline in a much needed food source for many humans.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Human Resources JDT2 Essay
Summary: Based on recent quality testing on the toys manufactured for elementary school aged children, it has been noted that the metal whistles contain an amount of lead that is over the United States legally acceptable limit for children age 7 and under. A large shipment is packaged and scheduled to depart at the end of the week. The whistles were manufactured under our company name and at our own warehouse facility. Decision Alternatives: Alternate Process In creating the following possible decision scenarios, the well-being of this company is a massive concern to everyone when a situation such as this arises. The outcome from any decisions made not only effect the consumer of the product, but also the Toy Company, it’s employees, stakeholders, and future customers based on the reputation of the company. In order to determine the best decision, without favoritism, a decision model (7 step decision making process) has been used to guide each deciding deliberation. Therefore, understand that all possible alternatives have been researched and only the best three possible solutions have been included for review. Decision Alternatives: Alternate Advantages and Disadvantages Explain Decision Model or Process Used for Each Advantages Disadvantages Financial considerations Legal considerations Ethical considerations Contact the South American Ministry of Education 7 step decision model, shown above. Allow product receiver to make decision Contamination of company reputation. 50/50 chance of increased reproduction cost. Release of legal obligations once South American Ministry accepts product. The possible subjection of harm to innocent children is simply unethical. Reproduce Contaminated Toy 7 step decision model, shown above. Maintain higher level of satisfaction. Increased costs of reproduction, product delivery late. Approximate cost of $100,000 will be incurred. Maintained federal requirements even outside of geographical requirements. Providing safe products to all children. Ship Product As Is 7 step decision model, shown above. Lowered costs. Potential harm to innocent children Possible litigation cost if families choose to enact a class action. Possible litigation and class action suit The subjection of harm to innocent children is simply unethical. Decision Alternatives: Alternate Considerations 1. Contact the South American Ministry of Education This decision will allow for the receiver of the product to determine for themselves if in fact the shipment is not acceptable and needs replaced. Each government has developed their own criteria of quality control aspects, and should be respected in their own research and limitations of product quality. Within this decision the possibility of the cost of reproduction has a weighing chance of a 50/50 percentage based on the request of the South American Ministry of Education. Also, the informing of and accepting of the product as is will place no further legal obligations on the toy company. 2. Reproduce Contaminated Toy Within the borders of the United States of America, this is the only acceptable decision to be made. The lead amounts found are above the legal limits and should by all considerations be destroyed and reproduced under the proper legal lead limit guidelines produced by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. The cost of this reproduction will fall solely on the shoulders of the company. The approximate cost to be incurred is $100,000. Also, in the making of this decision the Toy Company will be required to contact and inform the consumer of the production issue and the steps being taken to remedy the issue. The consumer may in turn be upset at the delay and remove their business from our company or may find our honesty in the situation to be respectable and assist in promoting our company due to highly ethical character display. 3. Ship Product As Is The guidelines for lead contamination are much more detailed within the United States than that of most regions. The product could easily be shipped and arrive on time for the opening of school in the South American region expected to receive the whistles. The product information would be included in the packaging, leaving the decision for a return of the product to be determined on the chance someone will notice the lead limits information. This choice could possibly rid the company of any further expenses. However, this leaves to chance the harming of many children, the legal allegations that can be brought up by the South American Ministry of Education, and the extreme tarnish of the company’s reputation within the United States and as a worldwide supplier of children’s products. During the narrowing of possible decisions to be established, a system of steps was utilized to enable a criterion for selecting the best possible outcomes. Each of the previous actions stated posse a decision between respect, ethical behavior, or financial consideration. As a whole each of these three actions must be carefully considered as a possible benefit to the company, as well as a possible strike against the reputation that has been so carefully created through producing top quality products for children all over the world. Alternative Recommendation: Recommendation Justification Of the three best available choices the superior choice would be the Reproduction of the Product. The reasoning in this decision is: Legal Aspect: Although as a company legal retaliation could be avoided if the consumer accepted the product as is after being fully informed, the families of the children involved will still have the legal right to produce a class action claiming Product Liability on the part of the company for allowing the acceptance of the product by the South American Ministry of Education. Under Product Liability when individuals are harmed by an unsafe product, they may have a Cause of Action against the persons who designed, manufactured, sold, or furnished that product. West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. (2008) Financial Aspect: The reproducing of the product will initially cost the company approximately $100,000. This by all considerations is a financial blow to any company; however, if you consider the alternative cost of ongoing litigation and a class action pay-out, $100,000 seems rather insufficient. Also consider the possible benefit from this loss of monies; not only will the children involved not be affected negatively by a product produce in the land of the free, but the word will quickly spread about the companies quick action plan to resolve an issue for the safety of their consumer, before being forced to do so by the courts. In addition to the consideration of time, effort, and the expense of recovery, an effective plan to recover from the loss incurred on the reproduction of the product there are a few majors concerns that will be on the front line of significance; Brand Protection: The importance of brand protection is only outweighed by the health and safety concerns of the consumer. Cost recovery is a secondary concern. (Belcastro & Alfonso, 2011) Supplier relationships. Supplier issues that may make cost recovery difficult include difficulties in tracking supplier contracts or supplier insurance documentation and preservation of supplier business relationships. (Belcastro & Alfonso, 2011) Ethical Aspect: For a moment let us look at this situation from the consumer’s side. Would we as parents want the toy company we trust to first consider our children before their personal gain? I would assume anyone would agree that a child should never be subjected to the cruelty of mass production oversight in the products that will be utilized to teach them, care for them, feed them, or protect them. As a company the media would portray any action less than replacement of the product as a grotesque display of unethical and malice behavior. All businesses, small and large, have an ethical obligation to their consumers, first of all to provide the product purchased and then to not harm anyone-including the consumer. (Gray, 2011) Product safety is an ethical obligation to the extent that companies have a duty to provide consumers with whatever it is they pay for and products are assumed to be safe for ordinary use. (Gray, 2011) Alternative Recommendation: Recommendation Ana lysis Overall, the purpose behind any decision that focuses on an issue that requires action on the part of the company is the ethical obligation the company has, not only to the consumer of the product but also to the employee that we depend on to produce the product, the children for which the product is purchased, and the Board of decision makers for the company and the general public that will recommend our product or company to others based on previous experiences. By providing a less than optimal product, we as a company, say that it is acceptable to lessen our value when the product is for children outside of the United States; this is not an acceptable way of thinking, nor an acceptable reputation of the company and its stakeholders. Moving forward on the remanufacturing of the whistle-even though it is a costly choice-will show for the value the company holds in their customers and the general population of consumers. Displaying a behavior of ethical decision practices will develop a stronger relationship between consumer and producer. This behavior can also produce a chain reaction of ethical revisions in other company actions. In current business the dollar comes before the consumer-making a move to be above the competition will place the company above others in their guarantee to produce only the best. Alternative Recommendation: Social Responsibility The remanufacturing of the product will display this company as being of the utmost ethical level in protecting its consumers even though the consumer is not on the American soil. Placing consideration in the safety and well-being of children of all aspects of geographical location, financial status, and nationality shows American and foreign manufacturing companies that the dollars involved do not come before that of the safety of the people that depend on our moral stature as a producer of children’s toys. By maintaining the same standards internationally as we would within the American borders, with our products we can inevitably lessen the boundaries between product and consumer all over the world. The ground floor for a decision has been laid for all involved in the determination of an appropriate action in this case. Based on the information provided here, it is desired that a decision based on the good of all mankind-both producer and consumer will be in consideratio n in the deciding of the steps to follow. The American people base much of their perception of a company on its viewpoint to the greater good to humanity; this should what is seen in the products we supply. References: Belcastro, Denny and Alfonso, Bert, October 2011, Capturing Recall Costs Measuring and Recovering the Losses Retrieved on December 27, 2013, http://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/Capturing_Recall_Costs/$FILE/Capturing_recall_costs.pdf. Gray, JW, May 16, 2011, Moral Issues Related to Consumers, retrieved from: http://ethicalrealism.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/moral-issues-related-to-consumers/ Product Liability. (n.d.) West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. (2008). Retrieved December 27 2013 from http://legal- dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Product+Liability
Thursday, January 9, 2020
How Does Employee Motivation Affect Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry Free Essay Example, 2000 words
The dilemma faced when the relationship between the staff and the customer becomes too close. Their findings provide the basis for the managers and other researchers on the subject of how intimacy and passion can be utilized, to better the customer service and also how to manage such a relationship effectively. The organizations according to Zemke and Schaaf (1989, p. 60) must rely on the motivation of their employees in the delivery of high-quality services. In their research, they found out that most of the famous organizations like U. Air and Federal Express used the empowerment of employee to reach to find customer satisfaction. They defined this customer satisfaction as the empowering of the employees by use of encouragement on their using imagination and their creativity. This meant entrusting them to do the right thing in their dealings with the customer. Cook, Sue, Toby, and Peter (1981) described empowerment, as the encouragement by the managers on employees, to make judgme nts and act on their own and giving them sufficient space to do this on their own initiative. Parasuraman and Zeithaml (1991, p. 255-265) stressed that the main important factor of quality service is the consideration of consumers because they solely evaluate the service offered and not the managers. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Employee Motivation Affect Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page They used the SERVQUAL scale where they used the variants like reliability, tangibles, assurance, responsiveness, and others. By using this scale, they found out that it offered a valid and reliable means of measuring the quality of service across a number of service industries.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Neutrality Of Amendment One - 4116 Words
â€Å"Neutrality of Amendment One†Throughout our country’s history we have proclaimed a love for equality for all; however there have been times were this was not so. Someone could think of many examples of times where the equality of every individual was not upheld, but today, legislation is considered to be race neutral. Today, laws must be formally equal. We live in a time after slavery and after Jim Crow which deliberately placed African-Americans at a disadvantage. Because of this, laws are meant to be race neutral. One can then suspect that the effects of those laws, written in race neutral language will also be race neutral. However, this may not be the case. It could very well be that the effects of some laws disproportionately, and†¦show more content†¦She discusses several reasons as to why this type of law disproportionally affects African-American women. She claims that these laws were brought about as a direct response to the crack cocaine epidem ic, which was predominantly associated with the African-American community. She also notes other reasons such as how because minority women tend to live in the lower economic class they depend on more government assistance which therefore makes their drug abuse much more noticeable than a white woman’s drug abuse (Roberts pgs386-388). This paper will have a similar objective as Dorothy E. Robert’s piece. It will look specifically at Tennessee’s newly passed Amendment One and its possible effects on minority women. To truly see the effects, individuals must first understand what the amendment says, why it was brought up to vote, and what the effects on minority women may be as an outcome of its passing. The point of this paper is not to determine whether or not this amendment should have passed, but rather decide if the race neutral wording of the law truly produces race neutral effects when it comes to the individuals it effects. The state of Tennessee voted on Amendment One on November fourth of this year and it passed with fifty-three percent of the vote which roughly translates into 728,751 ‘yes’
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